If I was the WTBTS, I would change the meaning of 1914. Don't drop it yet, wait another 20-30 years.
Here is a possible adjustment:
In ancient times, the King designate ( Jesus ) was often a participant in a lengthy coronation process/celebration. These things could go on for quite some time. It was big party, and everyone, even the lowly rabble had fun and got some swag!
Evidently.... Jesus' spiritual/invisible coronation ceremony began in 1914, but he isn't ruling yet. True, he cast Satan from heaven, but he did that as the great Prince, Michael. That's why the WTBTS would sometimes refer to Jehovah as ruling, but then refer to Jesus as ruling. Now we know better! Jeehoober has revealed nu-light!
When will the coronation ceremony end, we won't know until the GT starts. Once the GT starts, we will understand as we look back on Bible prophecy was fulfilled. How long until the GT begins and marks the end of the invisible coronation ceremony? We can't say! Those parties went on for days and one day is a thousand years for Jayhoobar!
In the meantime, enjoy the spiritual swag from the party! Oh, yeah, the end is soon! Make sure to donate!!!! $$$$!!!!!!
DD 🎉