Londo this was the new light regarding 'the mark'. Basically, the man with the secretary's inkhorn is no longer the anointed but Jesus.
Previous teaching - Quote from Survival into the new earth .....(Ezekiel 9:1-11) What was the key to survival? It was the mark placed on one’s forehead by the man with the secretary’s inkhorn........They must be marked by the ‘man with the secretary’s inkhorn.’ The facts show that “the faithful and discreet slave” class is doing that marking work today.—Matthew 24:45-47.......... Not only persons who have come out of Christendom but all, regardless of background, who hope to survive into the “new earth” as associates of the anointed class must have this mark.
The full text is above.
Now here's a problem, the man with the secretary's inkhorn was the FDS but the FDS these days only comprise the Governing Body members. When they wrote this they said the FDS was all anointed.
It would be beyond comprehension that the only ones with the inkhorn were the Governing Body so they've had to make up a new interpretation.
We now have 'new light'.
They announced this new idea at the 2015 WTBTS annual meeting. The man (who is apparently no longer a man) with the inkhorn is now Jesus.
I was wondering why they no longer wished this man with the inkhorn to be either the anointed or the FDS. It served their purpose in confirming that a person needed to be associated with the earthly organization in order to have any hope of 'surviving into the new earth'.
This change is simply another demotion of the anointed, their importance is being further eroded.