Pro Life, pro choice?

by got my forty homey? 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • elamona

    Satan's little helper-CDC statistics for repeat abortions are the following: Nationally the average %(of the national total) of 2nd abortions is 26%; 3rd 11%; 4th or more 8%; NYC has the highest 4 or more repeat abortion rate of 17% followed by Maryland 15%; so there are MANY women who use abortion as a form of birth control. You mentioned people forcing their morals on others by supporting anti abotrion laws and passing laws that restrict access to abortions. Well, forcing one's amoral self centered abortion practices on other human beings (they're called babies) doesn't seem to bother a lot of people. Abortion doctors will perform abortions on whoever walks in the door with the correct amount of money. I have NEVER heard or read of an abortion doctor or clinic who has donated free abortions to the indigent. It's show me the money otherwise hit the door or don't even bother showing up. There are very few abortion done every year that are medically necessary and abortion MD's and clinics will NOT do them for free- they send those people to the nearest county hospital where they HAVE to be done regardless of the persons ability to pay. You can access CDC statistics on line. There's ton's of info on abortions by state, age, race, etc. Dan the Man- your eyelash mites don't share half of your genetic material like your own baby does. Well, maybe........ Petty Grudger- demonstrating is called freedom of speech and expression. It's still allowed, altho begrudgingly by a lot of states. No one can make you feel dirty against your will- YOU are the only one who can give someone else the power to make you feel dirty. And judging is done all of the time- you(generic You, not you personally) are doing it when you disagree with anyone about anything. You think an issue thru, arrive at your opinion and express that opinion. That's called judging. If you aren't suppose to judge than how can anyone ever be jailed for any crime ever committed? As a side note. Most men are ardent abortion advocates- they get to play and never have to pay- child support, for education of the kids, etc.They just send their girlfriend or shackup of the week to the corner abortion clinic with the $300-$500 bucks and go on to the next brainless idiot willing to jump in bed.The feminist and pro abortion movements have done more to liberate men from responsibility than anything.

  • stillajwexelder

    Prochoice, from my a misnomer...the child has no is aborted, killed.

    I am anti-abortion (the child has no choice) but pro death penalty -- the killers etc. do have a choice

  • gypsywildone

    Excerpt from a book currently used in an environmental science class at college called Maybe One, by Bill McKibben, page 102 :

    When she began studying the difference between pro-choice & pro-life advocates, Kristin Luker noticed something interesting. It was true that they differed over the morality of terminating pregnancy, but those differences were the product of other, more fundamentalist, splitsin their view of the world. They felt differently aobut God, about the role fo women, and, most interestingly, about the nature of planning.

    Pro-choice activists, she observed, were almost obsessed with planning for their children, trying to give them "maximum parental guidance and every possible advantage", while parents active in the anti-abortion movement "tend to be laissez-faire individuals in their attitude" toward child rearing. "Pro-life people", she wrote, "believe that one becomes a parent by being a parent; parenthood for them is a "natural" rather than a social role . . .The values implied by the invogue term parenting (as in parenting classes) are alien to them". One woman that she interviewed said "I think people are foolish to worry about things in the future. The future takes care of itself" Too much planning, including too much family planning, means "playing God".

    That way of seeing the world attracts me; there is in its spontaneity and confidence something of a real beauty. It offers a kind of freedom. Not the freedom of unlimited options that we've come to idolize, but a freedom from constant worrying and fretting. Sometimes I hate the calculater instinct in me that constantly weighs benefits and risks, the part that keeps me safe and solvent at the expense of experience. There is something incredibly attractive about the mystery of the next child, and the next; I'd love to meet them. I'd love to leave it to God, or to chance, or to biology, or to destiny, or to the wind.

    The trouble is, there are now other ways to play God in this world, & not planning is one of them.

    We no longer hae the luxury of not planning; we're simply too big. We dominate the earth. In a crowded world, not planning has as many consequences as planning.

    Some statistics from this book:

    In one recent study, condoms broke 4.8 percent of the time that they were used. Sixty percent of pregnancies in the US are unintended. That doesn't mean all those children are unwanted; half just come when their parents weren't planning on it, but half end in abortion. In fact, six in ten women having abortions did so because their contraception failed; among typical couples, 18 percent using diaphrams and 12 percent using condoms managed to get pregnant.

    I would highly recommend this book for everyone, as it makes a person think about mankind's effect on the earth, the effects of overpopulation, & it even explains the "warming" of the earth simply & concisely. It also crushes some myths & stereotypes about only children, using statistics & studies.

  • elamona

    Our earth is relatively "empty". Since most people choose to live in highly densely populated cities they tend to think that everywhere else is packed with people too. Not true. The following was taken from UN statistics on the web. I tried to copy and paste the maps showing MOST of the land masses on earth are empty but they wouldn't copy. You can see the maps by referencing population density of the world on Google.................. Population Density Facts The tiny country of Monaco has the world's highest population density. With an area of 3/4 of a square mile and a total population of 32,000, Monaco has a density of almost 43,000 people/mi2. However, since Monaco and other microstates have very high densities due to their extremely small size, Bangladesh is often considered the most densely populated country, with approximately 2,200 people/mi2. Mongolia is the world's least densely populated country with only 4.3 people/mi2. Australia is a close second with 6.4 people/mi2. About 90% of the earth's people live on 10% of the land. Additionally, about 90% of the people live north of the equator. Population density of the continents: ? North America - 32 people/mi2 ? South America - 73 people/mi2 ? Europe - 134 people/mi2 ? Asia - 203 people/mi2 ? Africa - 65 people/mi2 ? Australia and Oceania - 9 people/mi2 The population density of the United States is approximately 76 people/mi2. World 31=avg # people per sq. mile 6,157,400,560=# people in world 196,939,757= # of habitable sq. miles land area about 16 times the size of the US................... Now 31 people for every square mile of habitable land is NOT packed with people. But if you insist that the earth is overpopulated and populations must be reduced then you may want to help out by opting out and leaving the rest of us to divide your space between us.

  • logansrun

    I'm Pro-Sex.


  • Yerusalyim


    See, we can agree, I'm Pro-Sex too.

  • gypsywildone


    Why so hostile & angry?

    The entire subject has to do with the effect on the earth's atmostphere, discarded items, pollution, emissions from automobiles, global warming trends, etc. Why not do some reseach on the topic?

  • Dawn

    Pettygrudger......what an awful thing your girlfriend went through! You are truly a good friend to be there with her and help her through. How is she doing now? How long ago was this - has she talked about it since? It just sounds to me like one of those awfully traumatic events that impacts a person for the rest of their lives.

  • gypsywildone

    That's true Dawn, PG was the best kind of friend a person could have. These decisions are never entered into lightly, & they are very traumatic.

  • elamona

    I am not hostile or angry. You are the one who stated that the earth is overcrowded and overpopulated. I simply got the facts and posted them to show you that you are wrong. Most population control advocates want to control or restrict OTHER people's PRO reproduction choices so that "the world" will look and be like what their idea of the world should be.In the interest of humanity and the earth, I think that population control advocates should volunteer to be the first to relieve the earth of the overburden by not having any children .If they truly believe that the earth is in such peril and that mankind is destroying the earth then they should be the first to sacrifice themselves for the cause and leave other people alone so that they can decide if they want 2 or 5 or 10 kids. It's the principle of the thing, you know.

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