I always have felt that the following expressions were stupid, why dont they just call it pro abortion, anti abortion. Anyway, knowing our backgrounds as Jw's what is your viewpoint on this highly debated issue?
Pro Life, pro choice?
by got my forty homey? 47 Replies latest jw friends
Gotta agree with sphere. Maybe 'pro-legalization' would be a less sloganistic description than pro-choice, but that's ambiguous as to what's supposed to be legalized.
Personally, I feel that there should be no restrictions on first-trimester abortions. Beyond that, I'm kind of ambivalent, except in cases where there's a serious health risk.
Ah, because the choice is broader than just whether or not to have or allow another woman to have an abortion. When I announced to my parents I was going to have an out of wedlock child (at 35..I wasn't a kid) my mother shreaked back at me "I thought you were pro-choice." I said "I am, I made my choice."
I take my stance because I think as a responsible parent I owe my kids far more than just their first breath. I think we owe them a stable, loving home, an education and so much more. The truth is that many who are "breeding" are not competent or cable but do not have the courage to put an unplanned (which is different than unwanted) child up for adoption so someone else can provide those things. I am also pro-birth control and pro-adoption. Both are stances often not tolerated by the so-called "pro-life" movement.
Anyway, you asked for opinions. You have mine now.
I'll just quickly say (before this gets locked) that I am pro-birth control. If you dont want a child you should know what to do. abortion should not be used as a means for birth control.
They don't call it pro abortion because many of them aren't actually advocating abortion itself, but rather the freedom of the woman. I'd say that I'm more in the middle on this, although leaning towards the pro choice side. The reason being, is that making abortion illegal would cause far more problems than it would solve. Some people might try to get an abortion in spite of the law, and better they have a qualified doctor perform the operation than some quack in a back alley. It's the sort of thing that is simply going to happen whether we like it or not, and there should be appropriate services in place to handle it. Even back when I was a loyal dub I felt this way.
I do think that killing an unborn child is wrong, especially a fetus far along in the pregnancy. The baby is a life of its own, no matter how you try to deny it, not just a lump of flesh inside the woman's body.
I would prefer that there be very few abortions to no abortions at all, but the world simply isn't ideal. There are instances were aborting the fetus is the better option, such as when the woman has been raped, or if there are serious dangers to the woman's life involved in giving birth. Furthermore, there are cases where having the child would actually be cruel. I hate to say this, but some people simply shouldn't have children. A stupid teenage mother addicted to drugs giving birth will be bringing the child into a world of pain and despair. Or there might be mothers who are in a terrible situation not of their making, who don't want their child to suffer.
It's an very weighty decision, one that should be handled with tearful contemplation before it is made, and one that should be made with a humble understanding of what they're actually doing. I think the reason some people who advocate pro choice anger the other side is because they don't seem to give enough reverance to the life of the child. I.e "It's my body, I can do what I want with it!" Excuse me but its not just your body, its the body of the fetus as well.
However, if the mother has a good reason for getting an abortion, she shouldn't be judged for it.
I am also pro-birth control and pro-adoption. Both are stances often not tolerated by the so-called "pro-life" movement.
I know that some "pro-lifers" (e.g. conservative Catholics) are against birth control; but I don't really know of any who are against adoption. Maybe I just haven't run across them.
abortion should not be used as a means for birth control.
Agreed. Birth control is fallible, however.
Part of the reason Pro-Lifers like the moniker "Pro-Life is because many of them are also oppossed to the Death Penalty. The slogan is Protect Life from Conception until Natural Death. I prefer the term pro-life because in an abortion...some one always dies....I'm against that death and in favor of that life.
sphere said,
They are not promoting abortions, they are promoting human rights.
no...they are promoting the suppossed "right" to an abortion...
Prochoice, from my perspective...is a misnomer...the child has no choice...it is aborted, killed. I and like mind people think the term "Pro-Choice" is used because it sounds so much more positive than Pro Abortion.
I also take exception to the idea that pro-lifers don't mind the name Anti-Abortion...while we are against abortion...it goes far beyond that...and this term is used by the "pro-Abortion" side of the issue because "Anti" anything generally puts that group in a negative light.
pro choice within reason
Here I always took you to be pro-choice. Who'da thunk it!
To let you know right off the bat, I am anti-abortion, and, depending on the circumstances, pro-death penalty.
My opinion is that you were pro-choice at the conception, you made the choice to have intercourse, you should now allow that child the opportunity to grow up and make his/her own choices.