The WTBS said they had to join to use the library is that true?
Question about UN assoication
by pc 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Globetrotter of letter:
25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483 ? Tel. 718 560-5000
XXXX November 1, 2001 No. XXXXX
Via CompuServe
Branch Committee
Dear Brothers:
Because of published allegations by opposers that we have secret links with the United Nations, a number of branches have inquired about the matter and we have replied. This circular letter replaces any replies we have given earlier and is sent to all branches. To anyone inquiring within your branch territory you might respond according to what is stated below:
Our purpose for registering with the Department of Public Information as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in 1991 was to have access to research material available on health, ecological, and social problems at the United Nations library facilities. We had been using the library for many-years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an NGO to have continued access. Registration papers filed with the United Nations that we have on file contain no statements that conflict with our Christian beliefs. Moreover, NGOs are informed by the United Nations that "association of NGOs with the DPI does not constitute their incorporation into the United Nations system, nor does it entitle associated organizations or their staff to any kind of privileges, immunities or special status."
Still, the Criteria for Association of NGOs-at least in their latest version-contain language that we cannot subscribe to. When we realized this, we immediately withdrew our registration. We are grateful that this matter was brought to our attention.
We trust that the above is, helpful in counteracting the attempts of opposers to discredit us.
Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes.
Your brothers,
Chairman's Committee
c: Administration Offices Desks
Legal Department
Office of Public Information -
Thank you Globetrotter!!
Yep that's their reply, yet it's all hog wash. The use of the library didn't change in 1991, nor did the criteria of being an NGO by the year 2001, they have been virtually unchanged. The criteria to be an NGO in 1991 as well as today is you have to agree and uphold the UN charter.
P.S. if you do a search on this site, there are quite a few threads discussing all this, many have written the UN and the WTS about it and the two of them have two different stories.
Here are a couple of threads that will help you with the questions you seek regarding the UN:
Also, I've copied and pasted this from another thread. I hope you find what you are looking for!
I can't decide whether to laugh or to cry! It makes me sad to see some of these people just explain this all away as if it were no big deal! At the same time, I found myself laughing at the obvious imposters in the thread. Their technique is very interesting.... drop a bombshell, then claim loyalty to the WT, drop another bombshell, claim loyalty to the WT ... It's hilarious! Man! I wish someone who could get access in there could go in and post the criteria for joining the UN, and how the library excuse is so lame because the same information can be gotten from public libraries designated as UN Depositories - without joining as an NGO. A nice little example of the articles they printed and disseminated to the masses would help, too. Anyone out there that can do this?
Here's a thread that puts it all in a nutshell:
I'm happy to help dig up the articles if someone is willing to post them over there!
Edited to add:
Here's the link to the UN DPI/NGO homepage:
It's important to share that NGO's are part of the UN Department of Information. And the purpose of the Department of Information is to disseminate UN propaganda. It only makes sense that the only way an organization can be approved for NGO status is if they agree to also disseminate propaganda. It also makes sense that the DPI wants NGO's who are large and have the capability to disseminate UN information to it's member base, through either the written word (aka: Watchtower and Awake!), or another form of media.
This link gives information on the purpose of DPI and provides a link to a UN NGO application:
This link provides information on which parts of the UN Campus NGO members are allowed to visit:
This link lists the "focal points" for NGOs. (The WT cooperated with the UN Secretariat Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, and the UN Secretariat Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Indigenous Populations)
This link takes you to a listing of documents NGO's have disseminated to their members in order to retain their NGO status: (The WT is the second listing)
This is the link to UN Depository Libraries, which lists locations, as well as how to obtain UN material from them:
This is a link to an article in the Guardian which shows that the WT disaffiliated itself from the UN, pre-empting a UN inquiry. It also states, "Those bringing the evidence to light were accused of apostacy.",3604,574134,00.html
Thank you Seedy and Growedup, as usual you guys always have the answers, PC
I dug this up. Shows how they squirm just to get their way.
Notice where the spokesman says "because without the support of the UNO it would not be possible to distribute humanitarian help".
In other words they have to sleep with the Wild Beast in order to do Jehovah's will?
I guess Jehovah needs the Wild Beast to help preach the Kingdumb.
It's this kind of reasoning that messes with people's minds.
«"The registry as NGO was made only to be able to give humanitarian help and defend the human rights in several countries of the world", said to [the newspaper] Público Pedro Candeias, spokesman of the Association of Jehovah's Witnesses [AJW] in Portugal. In Portugal, however, the disaffiliation from the registry is not yet officially known by the AJW, which represents nearly 50,000 believers.»
«This [JW] official says the religious group to which he belongs has had "an important role" in the help to populations of countries like Angola, Bosnia, Georgia, Rwanda and other African or Latin-American [countries]. "To reach those countries was complicated and, for that reason, it was necessary to registry" the WTBTS in the United Nations. But that registry, he says, does not compromise the Jehovah's Witnesses with "any political involvement" with the UNO.»
«"It is not a political maneuver", says the AJW spokesman, "because without the support of the UNO it would not be possible to distribute humanitarian help". And as the registry "does not violate the statutory precepts" of the JW, the criticisms to the registry in the DPI "do not have any basis", says Pedro Candeias.»
[end of newspaper excerpts]
If the criticisms "do not have any basis", and if the registry is so important "to give humanitarian help and defend the human rights in several countries of the world", why has the Watchtower Society hurriedly disaffiliated itself from the United Nations after the case was made known on the Internet?
The JW spokesman lied when he said the registry with the UN does not compromise the Jehovah's Witnesses with any political involvement with the United Nations.
What If your Presiding Overseer saw a Library Card with U.N. sign on it falls off from your pocket ? Did he say :"Congratulation! You are now follow closely to Our Governing Body Brothers. They are now all riding on the Scarlet Wild Beast!! Very good brother/sister. It's really very good"
Watchtower January 1, 1979 Questions from Readers
Is it true that for religious reasons Jehovah's Witnesses may not become members of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association)?
?Yes, that is so. We have long recognized that the YMCA, though not being a church as such, is definitely aligned with the religious organizations of Christendom in efforts to promote interfaith?.?
??. Nor is his membership merely an entry pass, as when a person buys a theater ticket. Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called "Christian" association would amount to apostasy?.?
??. Thus, it is because of their understanding of what God expects of true worshipers, and of what the purposes and direction of the YMCA are, that Jehovah's Witnesses may not become members of that organization.?
Change the hi-lited line to read:
Hence, for Jehovah's Witnesses to become a member of the Wild Beast, such association would amount to apostasy?.?
If I, as a dedicated Witness, decided to join the YMCA, not for Christian fellowship, but to use the gym or pool, I am guilty of apostasy and subject to disfellowshipping, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society can associate itself with the Wild Beast of Revelation, not for supporting the work of the UN but just to use the library and suffer no consequences for this action. Nor do they feel remorse, regret or repentance for this action. Aren't they guilty of apostasy?
Aren't they guilty of apostasy?
Damn right they are.
Yet they would rather call their own brothers apostates instead of repenting and actually saying:
"Brothers, we were wrong".
The GB has shown great disrespect of their "brothers". They have shown to be hypocrites on such a scale which
baffles me.
I refuse to be called their brother.
Andy of the super-disappointed in the "slave" class.
p.s. Governing Body I hate you for covering up and seperating families and causing divisions between my real brothers.
I never knew what hate was until I saw YOU in action.
The sooner you're gone the sooner the world has a better chance.