My mom was telling me about this new family that moved in next door. They have a bunch of kids and one, my sister's age. They are devout Catholics and forbid their children to watch any Disney movies; as Disney has made fun of the Pope (I've never heard of this). My mom offered to take the children to Chuckie Cheeses, but alas, a friend told this family this was a "mini Las Vegas for children"! Finally, mom offered some clothes to the girl. A pair of sparkly jeans, that my sis didn't wear anymore. The girl said her mom won't allow them because they are too showy. I feel so bad for these kids. They aren't allowed to do anything. I thought the JW's were bad. I conclude that all organized religion is evil and breeds misfits.
All organized Religion is Evil
by SpunkyChick 17 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with you there, but I think I would include any group that is exclusive-political, scientific,economic.
Forkin' A
yes they do breed misfits, people who will be in therapy longer than Woody allen.
Frannie Banannie
LOL@Wednesday's Woody Allen comment!!!
Yes, it is, Spunky! I offered some Harry Potter books to my g/daughters and they told me their mom wouldn't allow it cause it had witchcraft in I approached my daughter, who segued out of the borg, into drugs, then into Praise Christian religiousity....and I asked her "Why not Harry Potter books?" She said that some woman told her there were actual magic spells written in the books....I laughed and told her that it was pure fantasy....the spells don't actually work, they're only in the books to promote the fantasy and magic of the then she conceded that it did sound a little like the woman had "Chicken Little, the sky is falling!" Syndrome.....heh Religions have ppl SO misled, their superstitious batty-tudes remind me of the Salem Witch-Hunts....bah
Frannie B
I had a classmate in high school who belonged to a non-denominational church, which usually is a bit less retrictive. Not hers, though. She wasn't allowed to listen to any secular music. That meant if a teacher permitted the class to have the radio on during a study hall or something, she had to leave the room and work elsewhere. I thought that was a bit extreme.
Wow! You've had personal experiance with two religions and now have the expertize to expound upon ALL RELIGIONS! Impressive logic!
Frannie Banannie
Wow! You've had personal experiance with two religions and now have the expertize to expound upon ALL RELIGIONS! Impressive logic!
WOW, caveman....your "handle" is appropriate, seeing as you have the intelligence and charm of a dropped rock.....just because a person only denotes an incident involving the naming of only two religions does not limit their range of experiences, which are likely far beyond the scope that someone of your intelligence could comprehend.
expertize to expound upon ALL RELIGIONS!
No, she clearly qualified it by saying only ORGANIZED religions.
They have a bunch of kids and one, my sister's age. They are devout Catholics and forbid their children to watch any Disney movies; as Disney has made fun of the Pope (I've never heard of this).
I have heard of Disney being boycotted because of having Gay Day, but the making fun of the Pope reason was new to me.
I found some info about the Disney boycott at the Catholic League site. (I guess the boycott is ongoing?)