All organized Religion is Evil

by SpunkyChick 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    The proverb Solmon wrote is true:

    "All this I have seen during my time under the sun... that man has dominated man to his injury."

    Religion is a tool for both religionists and politicians to use to control and/or pacify their people.

    JW's are not the only ones notorious for imposing guilt. Catholics, Jews and others... all teach you must feel guilty and come clean somehow. If you don't confess your guilt, you are an enemy of whatever God they believe in.

    Does "evil" describe the behavior seen by the first poster? Maybe. Or perhaps "paranoid".

  • peace-arms

    I once met a JW girl whose parents wouldn't let her see barely any movies. I.e. Not even a g-rated film most of the time. And she was 10.

    Some over-protective people out there! How are their kids going to learn how to be apostates?

  • heathen

    I think from the standpoint of all religions wanting control ( some more than others) over people and thier resources can be considered evil . That's totally new to me I have never heard the catholic church being so controling of the members except maybe if they were in the priest hood or a nun or something. They seem to be happy if people show to church once in awhile and fork over some money . They seldom excommunicate anyone for any kind of behavior that I know of.

  • Sentinel

    Sometimes it is the religous dogma, and other times, it is simply the individual who is made sicker by religion and become unbalanced in life.

    I've known people from all types of religions who kind of make up their own rules of behavior, especially regarding their children. There are religions that are known by their specific codes of beliefs, even in mainstream.

    Religion is powerful because it attempts to become the "conscience" of humanity. I personally know of JW families who went ahead and had birthdays and holidays, and thought nothing of it. They did what their conscience told them to do and they didn't feel it necessary to speak openly about it, least they be labeled weak or unchristian. I have often wondered where these dear friends are today.....did they survive the prying eyes of the elders, or are they still living by their own codes?

    Religion serves a purpose or it wouldn't be around. Most people feel that religion is their connection to "god" and it removes the responsibility from them. Of course they are incorrect, but who am I to try to disuade them? It is their personal choice. Many people have been helped a great deal by loving church people--not necessary the doctrine of the church, but the love and compassion from one to the other. This is not a bad thing.


  • Euphemism

    IMHO, very well put, Sentinel!

  • SpunkyChick
    just because a person only denotes an incident involving the naming of only two religions does not limit their range of experiences, which are likely far beyond the scope that someone of your intelligence could comprehend.

    Frannie - Thank you for your defense and correct assumption that just because I named the JW's and Catholics doesn't mean I do not have numerous other experiences.

    Wow! You've had personal experiance with two religions and now have the expertize to expound upon ALL RELIGIONS! Impressive logic!


    FYI Caveman, I have a dear friend who grew up in the Mormon faith, and today has serious self-esteem issues caused from the terrible organized religion. I was watching Howard Stern a little while back (I know, not the best resource, hehe) and he was discussing the motives behind girls who choose to become strippers and get into porn. He had two girls come on the show (who were active porn stars and strippers) and discussed their lives growing up with a father who was a strict Baptist minister. He concluded, and I agree, that most girls who turn to stripping or go into porn have either been molested or rebel from the severity of being brought up in an organized religion. My mother was brought up a strict Catholic and was physically and mentally abused by her parents...I could go on and on. All the people whom I've met who grew up in a strict religion, as a whole have not profitted from it.

    By dissing all organized religion I mean:

    An "organized religion" is generally a set of fact-claims made by some for-profit corporation, such as "The Shiite Sect of the Islamic Religion" or "The Roman Catholic Church" or "Judaism" or "The Nichiren Soshu Sect of the Buddhist Religion". These corporations sell these packages of fact-claims as being "THE TRUE WORD OF GOD! THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE RELIGION! BUY YOUR'S NOW!"

    nilfun - Thank you for those links, I will check them out!

  • heathen

    You are right , Howard Stern is a terrible source for information . I don't even respect his claim to comedy . I think people turn to stripping and porn because it's easy money they don't have to work and get paid for sex . Who doesn't want to get paid for sex?? From the WTBTS point of view all other religion is demonized but having seen the effects of the WTBTS on the people on this board I think we can throw them in for good measure .

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    ALL organized religon sucks.

    Fear prophets....

    and those prepared to die for the truth,

    for as a rule they make many others

    die with them, often before them,

    at times instead of them.

    Umberto Eco


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