
by Vienna 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vienna

    How many on this board are: a) Christains--not a JW b) Jehovah's Witnesses c) Do not believe in God d) Have a belief in God but just not active in anything right now

    I'm new to the board and was curious as to everyone's standing. I'm 30, a Christain, I left the JWs 3 years ago (after being in it for 21 years) to follow Jesus and heard of, among other good things, this great thing called: grace! *smile* I admire any JWs who come to this board--seems hard to put up with a lot of the comments here. Please answer my survey everyone! Thanks!

  • Introspection

    Hi Vienna, welcome to the board. How exactly do you mean believe in God and not active in anything, though? Do you mean being involved in an institutional organized religion? There has been a few discussions on this recently, and one of the difficulties is that one's understanding of God can change. However, I think there are many who still have some kind of spiritual life.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Hi Vienna, welcome to the board.

    I'm an inactive Jdub. I don't believe in anything, then again maybe I do. I'm agnostic.

    Slipnslidemaster: I thought you said your dog doesn't bite? That isn't my dog!

  • zev

    you asked:

    How many on this board are: a) Christains--not a JW b) Jehovah's Witnesses c) Do not believe in God d) Have a belief in God but just not active in anything right now

    in answer:
    b:yes, still
    c:believe in god
    d:mixed feelings

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • Mulan

    I am an ex dub. Not in any religion. I think I believe in God, but not the Jehovah of the JW's. That is not a God I want in my belief system. Still trying to gain back my spirituality, if I ever had it.

  • JAVA

    Vienna--hello & welcome to the forum,

    I admire any JWs who come to this board--seems hard to put up with a lot of the comments here.

    I admire former JWs coming to this board separated from family and loved ones because of the abusive treatment of the Watchtower Society.

    I believe in things provable. I don't believe in the fairy tales of others--what does that make me?

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • outnfree


    I liked your answer, Gramps!


    Are you getting the picture that many people here are unsure as to what they should be thanks to having belonged to a high-control group that actively discouraged thinking?

    I have spent most of my life being a practicing Christian.
    I am an ex-JW, recent escapee.
    I presently have a belief in some form of God/dess, just not sure if s/he is really the bloodthirsty Yahweh or the loving Christ or some other Creator who made us and then left us to fend for ourselves.

    I must warn you, Vienna, that in a recent letter to the elders, the Society specifically said that only "qualified elders" are supposed to "kindly" listen and "may" answer surveys by referring the questioner to the appropriate WTBTS literature.

    Fortunately, almost nobody here give's a r-t's a-- about that letter, so your survey should meet with great success!



  • emyrose

    Hello Vienna,

    I'm under D. I belief in a Creator but don't really see myself joining any religious group in the future. However, I fully respect others'
    decision to join religious groups. I look at religions as vehicles for the moral education of the masses. They are unfortunately not
    perfect social systems but all social systems aren't and have detrimental consequences. As far as I am concerned, I have already
    graduated from one of the worst religious schooling in exsistence, Jehovah's Witnesses. Although I came out with some basic
    moral values, being the cult that it is, I also came out emotionally, psychologically and intellectually damaged. But I have worked
    earnestly to recover and am progressively improving in all three areas. I hope that you are enjoying similar success in combating
    post-cult effects. This board has a treasure of helpful info., so I highly recommend it to you. Good Luck!

    Thanks, Emyrose

  • Tina

    Hey java,
    That makes you a good coffee clutch buddy in my books! lol
    It's good to be sure of some things! hugs,Tina

  • SlayerLayer

    Welcome the board Vienna.

    I was raised a JW. I was disfellowshipped at 21. I have no belief in a God whatsoever.

    I am a little puzzled by this:

    I left the JWs 3 years ago (after being in it for 21 years) to follow Jesus

    I obviously have no love for the organization, but they do teach the following of Jesus. What do you mean by that quote? I guess I'm questioning whether you were actually a witness? The comments in your post aren't very common among ex jws.

    I'm not being a jerk, I'm just curious. Am I alone in this thinking guys?

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