Those of you who know my story are aware that I'm currently disfellowshipped and living with my parents. Up until now, my plan has been to be reinstated and then fade, but recently my plans have changed. In a conversation with my mother a few days ago and she made it clear that she would not be okay with me getting reinstated with the purpose of going inactive. (What she believes my cousin has done.)
So I decided that instead of getting reinstated I'm just going to move out at the end of my Summer semester because as far as I can tell the end result is going to be the same, staying and getting reinstated only means that I'll have to attend more of these insufferable meetings and be dishonest longer, which I hate. I'm going to prepare letters explaining my choice to all of my family members and close friends, in the letters I'll include an open invitation for them to resume contact with me anytime they wish, perhaps one of them secretly harbors doubts and will take me up on it. Maybe I'll even spark curiosity enough among some of them to get them started on leaving the Org too.
It took me all of two days to find someone among my "worldly" friends who was willing and able to rent me a room at a great deal starting in the Fall. They even said not to worry too much about the rent and just pay whatever I was comfortable with. So I think I'm set for my exit from this cult, I've quite a few friends that will be able to help me out and provide social support, and when the time comes I'll line up a job to help me finish my next few years in college. (working for my dad atm, I have a feeling that will have to change when I leave though.)
I just wanted to share my experience with you guys, visiting this forum has been a big help to me in making this decision. I also wanted to see if anybody had recommendations that might improve my plan.