I can relate to them not having anything to do with me ,because I D.A. my self after many years ,however my wife never D.A. her self and nobody of her "friends" in the "truth" have ever contacted her in over 25 years .?
The Unveiling
by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho 53 Replies latest jw experiences
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
5.8K views in such a short amount of time. Thank you everyone for supporting these two!! Upvote if you think they should start their own spin-off channel on YouTube ;).
And thank you, Sacha and Sherrie, for letting me be your family.
If you guys thought they were great on video, you should see them in person. Dynamite. X
Wham....hot legs mama, you and Sherri both...ouch! Smokin'😍😍😜
Junge Leute sind so charmant...
Ich freue mich für euch alle
Welcome back Wake-Me!
And thank you for sharing this great interview. What a lovely couple. I am impressed by their love for each other and for others who are trapped as they were. Hope the video goes viral and wins over many JWs.
Glad you are back!
Wake-Me - you cheeky thing.
What can I say! Wow. The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind and I am very happy to say - there are no regrets. We are so thrilled with the interview and how Lloyd edited it. We are overwhelmed by the feedback and responses - it is way more than we expected. We just wanted to be able to help one or two with our story.
Dubstepped - HELL YEAH MAN!! I am so gunna take you up on that offer! Your mic better be warmed up cos there is much much more to the story! I cannot wait to met you and your awesome wife!
Too many exclamation points? It's been a long day, my only excuse
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@TD So nett. Hoffentlich haben wir in unseren älteren Jahren immer noch den Charme ;).
Thanks, @Diogenesister. We use those legs to stomp all over WT propaganda in our down time, lol.
@Vanderhoven7 You really have helped me a lot over the last year with your theological input when deciphering the traditional Christian doctrine, away from what we had been taught by Watchtower. I appreciate it.
Haha! Paul's face in the above picture looks like he is saying "who IS this woman hanging off my neck?!😳"
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 Some cheap accessory.