You Knew The Score!

by Englishman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    When they got baptised and the love bombing got cut short they began to see what it was really like in there.'s similar to when people decide to move house to the place where they've spent happy holidays.

    You're no longer an occasional visitor to be smiled at and chatted to.

    You're in the nitty-gritty.


  • Hapgood

    I didn't know what I was getting into, so no I didn't know the score. I was not at all familiar with the JW's because I was not raised in the religion, and none of my family members were JW's (except hubby that got dunked at the same time as me). I studied with the JW's when I was 19, and six months later I was baptized. This was in 1975, the time was short, better get baptized before the end. I only studied one book before getting baptized, that was the "Lie" "Truth" book, so I definitely was not well informed about the "two faced" policies of the Tower. That takes place after the "love bombing".


  • Sassy

    I think if you asked everyone the day they were baptized if they knew the score, they would say YES enthusiastically.. but the thing is, in reality did we? Did we know that this decision could never be changed? if it did we would lose every friend we had (since no other association was allowed) and family JWs? Did we know that people would cross the street to avoid us, find work difficult if working with another JW, etc etc.. how could we? especially those who were told from the time you were born or young from your parents that this was the ONLY path to take.. the ONLY way to happiness..

    Let us send someone for brainwashing and then ask them what score they know? They know what they have been fed.. but is it necessarily the reality??

  • Siddhashunyata

    Some time ago, on this board , we were discussing how the Watchtower hides behind the ST Amendment ( Free Speech, Freedom of Religion etc. ) here in the USA. The Government does not interfere with "church " rules and only enforces this amendment to the Constitution when you are "choosing " a religion. Once "inside" , you are on your own. It was suggested that a "full disclosure" requirement ,attached to this Amendment, would protect countless numbers of people from making a "religious " mistake.

    The disclosure would be along the lines of informing people , while going from door to door, that certain lawsuits are pending or accomplished and that if the person were to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses( for example) he or she would be required to "give up" certain basic human ( expression of conscience) and civil rights (free speech etc.) Sadly, given the "mind control" techniques that have been developed in this century and what has become known about the human "psyche", enforcement of this idea is long over due in the USA.

    Does anyone know of any country anywhere that has anything resembling a "full disclosure " law for religions that actively seek out new members.

  • anglise

    Hi eman

    we came in our early 20's with 3 little children.

    NO we didnt fully realise what we where getting into. Having moved churches a couple of times as we where growing up we innocently assumed that leaving the JW's would be similar. ie You leave but people are still friendly and other than the "we miss you" comments it wasnt a problem.

    We knew about DF but had been led to believe it was for totally evil things and therefore seldom used, and so thought that we could never do anything to fall into that category.

    The love bombing certainly does cloud the truth about the borg. Maybe this was more true in our situation as we studied with the PO and wife and so certainly came in and remained for the next 18 years with the IN CROWD. (Although for the last few years in we where very vocal about things that we felt unhappy with)

    No we didnt fully understand the implications of shunning. What loving person ever could given the circumstances in which the JW's choose to use it?

    I wish we had the information we have now. If only the internet had been available and sites like this then nearly 20 years of our lives would have been given to this evil publishing company who masquerade as god's chosen people.

    I am sorry that our children had to grow up in it.

    Hopefully people today are better informed and wont be caught like so many of us who now post here.


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