Racism and Violence in Indiana

by little witch 20 Replies latest social current

  • little witch
    little witch


    It is not occaisional here, People families and businesses are getting torched on a weekly basis here!

    This is not an exaggeration! There are active racist groups here who are very active in damage by arson and graffitti.

    I am not talking isolated arson and graffitti, but very organized!

    I am talking families with children being burned out of their homes, and they are in them at the time!

  • Sassy

    I just do not understand how in the world that they continue to get away with it in this day and age.

    I am glad that where I live right now there is such a melting pot of nationalities and at least I don't have to worry if I walk down the street in an interracial relationship, that someone is going to terrorize me for it.

  • Badger

    (wants to get sassy in an interracial May-December relationship)

  • Badger

    More to the point, That's what makes racism so ridiculous and reactionary here. In other countries, people can be excused for having misconceptions about other groups. The U.S., although majority Anglo-Saxon, is still infused with contributions from around the world.

    BTW, I wonder if those KKK types swear off taco bell?

  • little witch
    little witch

    I have emailed the Bloomington Herald Times.

    This is the most influential newspaper in the region. They tend to only concern themselves with "Local" news, whilst claiming multi-county coverage.

    Recently, they discontinued web viewing. A major blow to education and grass movement activity!

    These rural areas need the voice of IU activists! Please Email the Bloomington Herald Times

    Tell them to bring their concern and activity to their neighboring counties in reaction to racism, arson, and murder.

    They are not losing subscribers! It would be a humanitarian gesture to allow web access!

    Please help

  • maxwell

    Perhaps the Homeland Security Department needs to get busy fighting some of the terrorist that are already on our soil.

    I grew up in a small town about an hour east of Memphis. It was well known that the father of the principal of my elementary school was a member of the KKK. But as people have mentioned, the KKK was not viewed as much of a threat there. Mostly a lot of bark and no bite. My school principal, while not particularly nice, never exhibited any symptoms of racism and was always a straight and fair person. There was a little grocery on the corner in town (Now closed) that was also known not to accept black customers and a bar-b-cue place that black people never went inside although they might order from the window. That's the way it was when I left and I wouldn't be surprised if it is still that way.

    Where I live now, over the past few months, I've seen some swatikas grafitti in a few places, but you can expect that to pop up occasionally. There's also the graffiti from gangs of various ethnic groups. The worst racial violence I heard about around here in the past few years was right after 9-11 when people were attacking Muslim places of worship or anyone wearing a turban or traditional Middle Eastern clothing. That died down after people calmed down, but it never should have happened. Obviously its an ongoing problem in some areas.

  • waiting

    My xhusband lives in that town outside of Brown County Park (where millions go to watch the leaves turn colors - as someone told me *down here* in sc.)

    I would strongly suggest you look to *disposing* of him to end many of the Indiana problems. He's a big part of it. Besides that, I have life insurance on the bastard.

    Other than that...............Indiana has always had major people problems. I was born in Indpls, moved to Kokomo as an adult (ugh.) and then on to Lafayette (nice.)

    The KKK was quite active in Indpls in the early century - rallys were still being held openly during the 60's & 70's.

    I've heard it before (and continue the *perhaps* falseness of it) that Indiana has spawned more serial killers than any other state. I tend to agree with that statement.

    Loved the movie, Hoosiers, however.

    waiting - south carolina

    ps: no insult meant to the many nice Hoosiers, and there are some. Some guy I used to work with found out I was from Indy. His mouth fell open with "You people! You're the most outspoken, cussin' people ah EVER met!" Me: "and your point would be....."

  • little witch
    little witch

    LOL I take no offense Waiting.

    There are pockets of good decent folks, then there are pockets of crazies.

    Yes, I know Brown County very well. It is one of those scary places too despite the artist colony.

    I recall an arson there in one of the shops a few years ago, though it was for insurance as opposed to racism.

  • RubaDub

    Yes, there is so much tension and hatred in Indiana, expecially the central part.

    Obviously, the undelying reason is the fact that they don't do Daylight Savings Time.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Yizuman

    While I had stayed at the mission, racism is very much alive in Indianapolis, especially from among black folks who use the words, "Honky" on a daily basis. They truly hate white people and they always give me a "I'll eat your face if you look at me" attitude. So I constantly look down at the ground everyday to avoid making any kind of eye contact with them for fear of being beat up. I had already been beat up once by one. I'm glad I'm out of the mission since I've always been constantly scared living there. Yiz

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