Were they truly valued as Watchtower publications suggest or were they rarely thought of???
How Did The Elderly Get Treated In Your Kingdom Hall?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
iono, everyone was either old or older in my congregation (with the exception of a few mid 30's and 40's fellers). Everyone that was young mostly decided to leave or something, but all of the elderly in our congregation was respected for the most part (at least thats the way it appears).
Very well actually. Many of the elderly in our hall were part of an extended family and lived with, or next door to their children. Those who were ailing, who didn't have family close by had a lot done for them by pioneers, and others in the congregation. I guess my congregation wasn't all bad
Interesting question. Years ago, I'd say they were treated pretty good for the most part. Occasionally there was the stubborn, hard to deal with older one who tended to drive people away and thus complained about everything. I remember brothers getting together to do repair work on their homes and cars. I remember the younger sisters picking them up for meetings, service, doctor's appts and shopping. But somewhere over time it seems that the self-sacrificing spirit in helping others died down. Getting to meetings, service, caring for the family, etc was wearing everyone down, and people didn't have time to do anything else anymore. The older ones were left to fend for themselves more and more. Not too bad for those that had family, but before I faded, I remember a couple of older ones who were just pretty much ignored anymore. People offered to carry them to meetings or service, but the personal touch wasn't there anymore.
Well, if I went by my own personal experience, i'd have to say=POORLY. My mom , a faithful sis for many years, in a W/C was generally ignored. harldly anyone ever visited her in the Nursing home except maybe 3 people. One wanted me to thank her for doing it b/c she said she did not have to(bitch) Only a handful of people attened this faithful woman's funneral who served during WW2 during the mob violence. I 'll never set foot in a hall again.