How Did The Elderly Get Treated In Your Kingdom Hall?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    It's basically a problem with WT jargonese, Minimus. I would have posted something simple like "Respect your elders", but "elders" means something completely different in WT-speak. So, since the guy isn't actually "elderly", as such, "more elderly" must suffice.

  • minimus

    What the hell is a "Kingdom Hall carpark"? Is that a parking lot???

  • undercover

    Yep. Them Englishsters call parking lots carparks.

  • TresHappy

    I have to say very well. Most elderly people I knew in the congregation were well taken of, it was actually one Bible principle they actually followed in my congregation!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    As I recall, very well.

    the congregation I belonged to ( Huntington NY) was mostly young families. And it was ( and still is ) an affluent community. The few elderly in the congregation were well off financially and never seemed to need much assistance.

  • minimus

    It seemed that in our Hall, the elderly would complain more often than not that they wanted to be helped by the "friends" and shepherded by the elders. Within the last couple of years, one healthy older elder has taken a major interest in those that are older.Yet, he has done this as his own little pet project not because the elders asked someone to assist.

  • Nosferatu

    Occasionally there was the stubborn, hard to deal with older one who tended to drive people away and thus complained about everything.

    This was the norm in out cong. Even though they were a pain in the ass, they got treated pretty good.

    My father drove one of these elderly sisters around for an afternoon to do some running around and paid $6.00 for parking. When he dropped her off, she showed her gratitude by giving him $5.00 for gas money.

    It almost seemed as if the elderly took advantage of the others' good nature. My mother's always bitching about how much of a thankless job helping the elderly in the cong is.

  • shamus

    I found that the elderly persons in the hall were very nice in fact. (just expanding on my latest comment).

    They were nice, but it does not necessarialy mean that they were treated nice. The teaching was that they recieve double honor. People tried to do so.

    I found that some were characters. This one old guy who looked after magazines was gruff and a bit of a freak... he was totally funny though! I really liked him! When I left the congregation, he said he wanted to talk to me. I thought that it would be a kind of "keep in the faith" kind of upbuilding thing, and he says to me, "MAKE SURE TO PICK UP YOUR MAGAZINES! I don't want you to leave them and we have to pay for them!". I was laughing so hard... he was a really nice guy. He passed away suddenly, and they announced it from the kingdumb hall platform at the end of the service meeting. (I moved by then, but heard it from a friend). People were openly sobbing and sad. He was a very cool guy, and I still think about him. Everyone liked him despite his gruff appearance. (no, he was not an elder. just really nice)

    My dear landlord, let's call her sue, whilst I lived in Alberta passed away. She was absolutley the nicest person on earth. She would have given me the clothes off her back. She was 88, and had me over for "Cogin" and tea. Cogin (not spelled correctly) sounds totally sick but is great stuff, let me tell you. It has eggs, sugar, and PRUNES baked together in a pie crust that she made by hand... it was absolutley amazing stuff! All of my friends got hooked on it, the ones that got offered it anyways! When I would tell them what it was, they would be grossed out, but when they tried it... WOW!

    Well, I lost touch with her for 7 months and she died of cancer. I could go on about how many times I laughed with her, and had tea with her. She was truly kind hearted and all there mentally.

    When she got sick, she went to her son's house and passed away.

    None of the pricks from my old hall would call me, even though my best friend in that hall had my number. So she had her "memorial" and I was never told nor invited. I will never ever ever forgive my friend or anyone in that hall for what they did not do. It was unconscionable (sp) for them to do that, and, although I'm over it, I hope that they too get the same kind of treatment when they're friends die. That was one of the top ten things that the cult did to me that will make me never ever go back. "God's Organization", yeah right!

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    I would say so-so, however one of the sadest experiences I ever saw involved a dear elderly sister.

    A part on the circuit ass. called for those who have kept their faith for many years. This elderly sister who had been a dub for 40 years or so was asked to contribute. She really DID NOT want to give the part. She was "pressured" into it. It was well known in our cong. how nervous she was about it. She was very reserve. She worked herself up so much that she had a heart attack at the circuit ass. 30 minutes before the talk. She dropped dead at her seat. What made it even worse is the stupid idiots who pressured her said it was wonderful how she died faithful. What a bunch of sickos!!!!!!!

  • fearnotruth22

    The elders had provisons for them to get rides and things like that but the nice treatment was in connection with meeting attendace and field service and assemblies I guess people are too busy with their personal lives to remmeber the elderly

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