I know some will say ALL Witnesses are weird but I'm thinking of the REAL weird ones. You know, the type that you used to run away from when they would approach you to say hello in the Kingdom Hall. I know of one strange guy that looked like a pervert/child molester. Now, there was no evidence suggesting that he was, but he just LOOKED weird. I never liked shaking his hand...........Anyone that strikes you as someone you could say fits the list???
Did You Know Any Particularly Weird Witnesses???
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Better question, "How many HERE were considered a little weird?"
An elder once walked up to me and asked very seriously "Look around Brother, do you think we are dealing with a full deck of cards here"? I laughed and said "probably not"
Was it just the 2 of you there?
very funny minimus -- no it was 3 minutes before start of meeting so about 70 there
I would say in most kingdumb halls you are dealing with social misfits mostly. They are strange, strange people.
I had a rock-climbing partner one time (hated him, BTW, but needed that good ol' assosiation) and he was the weirdest freak in the world. He was always harassing me because he could do some dammed route and I couldn't, which is not what rock climbing or being human is about. I just hated him! He was the most self-centered low self esteemed person in the world.
I quit climbing with him and climbed with pagans from there on. It didn't go over too well when we accidentally met at a local climbing gym and he had no partner, LOL!
I think he gave up climbing after that.
But that is not weird. Weird is telling a sister that you wished that she would not wear a certain dress because it "excited" you. (true story).
I knew of an elder and wife that regularly burped and farted while talking to anyone. They would do this as if there was nothing wrong with it.
Lady Lee
OMG min My list could be endless
but I know most people thought I was a little odd and I was especially before I got married. I was a real mess back then.
but alcoholics, control freaks (mostly elders but not all elders), a couple of people with schizophrenia, a couple of fellows who were mentally slow, one sister who wore a mask of make-up all the time, one married brother that kept proposing to my mother, a bunch of really weird brothers (much older than me) that my mother was trying to set me up with, some wife abusers, some child abusers, some pedophiles
I'm sure I could come up with more if I thought about it longer
Oh and none of the above are related to me. My family is in a weird class of its own
I knew of an elder and wife that regularly burped and farted while talking to anyone.
Minimus, do you think Simon and Angharad would appreciate you letting this personal information out?
I think every congregation has at least one really wierd person. They are either a social misfit or mentally challenged. One of the weirdiest I knew was not baptized so maybe he doesn't count. This was a guy in his late 30s who lived alone and who was studying with an elder. Since I lived nearby, was single and had my own car I got roped in to picking this guy up for the meetings. The thing is he never said anything. I could barely get a word out of him. After asking how he was ("fine, yes, thank you") I could not get anything but yes and no answers. He'd sit with his huge brief case on his lap the whole time and would not part with it. He always dressed in a somewhat worn suit and wore a bowler hat. We often joked about what he kept in his brief case.
Another guy in a neighboring congregation was in the same year as me at school. I barely knew him and later bumped into him at an assembly. He attended a cong' in my area. I heard that he complained that neither another JW nor I had bothered to 'witness' to him at school. (It was bad enough being known as a JW let alone go around school preaching.) He was a weird guy. The single sisters avoided him. He pioneered after getting baptized and spent his entire weekends out on field service traveling everywhere on his bicycle. He burnt out after 2 years and was never seen again.
Of course, weirdness is in the eye of the beholder. Apparently, a local congregation is now missing one weird person since I left.
edited for weirdness