I was at Deaths Door today.

by orangefatcat 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Yes for some reason this morning on my way home from the Sleep Clinic, did I realize that with in an hour we were going to be at deaths door.

    After arriving home this morning at 6:30 I was greeted by my husband ready to go out to the resturant for breakfast. I needed first to bathe and wash my hair of the sticky glue they use at the clinic to hold the electrodes in place. We knew it is snowing but we have driven in snow all the time. So there was no real need of concern. We would just drive carefully and slowly and keep our distance.

    Well we were off, it was snowing, but not that heavily and we were five minutes out of town when going north on a hilly country road, a few cars ahead of us were fishtailing going down the hill. The van infront of us slowed to a near stop and we were far enough back to come to a halt to. But with in a split second we were out of control and a school bus full of children was heading right to wards us southbond. With no time to think the school bus swerves to miss us as we swerved and just headed right for the ditch. Marco knew that it was either us or the school bus or all of us. We were head to head and the split second swerve of the bus gave us a second chance at life. And a skilled in control husband with 30 years of taxi experience. I am surmissing in my mind and heart that just one second earlier there would have been a massacre on the road with all the cars slamming into the bus too and killing God knows how many. As we sat dumbfounded in the ditch we looked at each other and couldn't believe we were alive. My heart and stomach and hands are trembling and Marco is white as a ghost shaking too. After we gain our compossure a knock on the window, a women standing their saying are you alright do you need help what can I do. It was overwhelming. I have a cell phone and forgot that I had it in that moment. the lady kindly offers us the use of her phone, but with out even thinking we said we are okay and then she left. I couldn't figure out why I didn't use the cell to call for help. A few minutes later, a man at the door, are u alright, can I help, do you need something, can I call someone? Well at that moment I realized yes we need to get help to get out of this huge ditch. I call CAA and they are telling me that on account of so many accidents that our wait would be 75 min. or more. She says are the two of you okay, do you need an ambulance and the police? I say no we are both fine but shook up and she says I will put you on our priority list for assistance, asap. Well here we are sitting in a ditch, being very grateful we hadn't been killed and just now waiting for the tow truck from CAA. Three or rather four police personal approach us, praying we are okay, and when I tell them we are fine, they proceeded to exam the car to make sure it wasn't damaged in any way. They say the vehicle is fine no damage, no report, just rest well until the tow comes. This is what is going on for an hour and a half or more, to me it seemed like a near eternity as caring people stopped to see if we were safe and okay. The tow truck pulls up on his way to another accident not knowing that it was our accident he was to be at. There was a mix up in directions from CAA. Well thank God we are pulled up and out. Then we turn around and back down the hill to sign the paper with the tow guy. All is over and done with. We return to our home and still rather shaken we sit down and rest a bit. And I am thinking what would my son have done? what would marco's daughter be doing? But oh thank goodness we are alive and continue to live another day.

    Thank you God or our guardian angel because without them we surely would not be here writing this post to you.

    Please thank God for us as it was the day that he saved us from deaths door.

    Thank you Lord your saved us today,

    Love Terry and Marco


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Yikes! That must have been real scary. Glad you guys are ok.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Holy Mackeral.. OFC

    What a close call that was...

    Leaves a person all shook up, that's for sure.

    A split second can mean the difference between life and death.

    Glad everything is okay.


    Special K

  • Gopher

    Wow OFC, what a story. Thank goodness your husband was very alert and acted to help prevent a bad situation from getting even worse!

    And also impressive was the offers of help from your fellow citizens. There are a lot of kind people out there.

    It's great to hear you two are all right now.

  • bebu

    I've been in a few scary accidents, and I can't imagine how frightening that was for you. Gets the heart working doubletime!

    I'm grateful with you that your lives were spared. Makes life feel so very much more precious, doesn't it?


  • PopeOfEruke

    Close call orangefatcat! Glad you are both ok.

    I think I know what may help : A BIG STIFF ONE OF THESE ---->


  • mouthy

    Ouch that was real scary. Yes I join you darling in your prayer " Lord ! We thank you for sending your angels to keep Terry & Marcus safe. We Know that thousands do die in accidents every day! we dont know why some live some die! but we are grateful they survived,& Terry & I (because of our faith) ! believe you have reasons for her to live. We Thank you!!! Amen....

  • Sassy

    oh my OFC, how scary!! We are so glad you are ok and that Marco had good instincts and the timing with the bus and everything worked out.. it sure does make you thinks twice doesn't it? apprecating safety after coming that close?

    and who says when we aren't JWs any longer we lose protection?

    I'm so glad you are ok!!!

  • Mystery

    Thank God you are OK; you and the bus load of children.

  • Blueblades

    OFC,AND MARCOSThat was a close call! Glad to know you are ok now.Thanks for the wonderful response you wrote me earlier on my post,the drive home,crying.I really felt touched by what you wrote to me and my family.Take good care of yourself.


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