StuckInARut2 » There is NEVER any room for a "lesser" witness to reply to or kindly object to the "counsel."
Well, what happens if one not so kindly objects to counsel? I imagine with so many converts coming in, there might be some misunderstanding if one isn't used used to receiving it. Not many people would enjoy receiving unsolicited feedback on how they lead their lives, tech their lessons or give their talks. In fact, imagine if a lowly member were to counsel an elder. Would the elder be ticked off? Probably so. But then, it's a normal reaction for anyone.
It makes me wonder how newly baptized members are trained in these ways.
What are some of the most objectionable counsels you've received (And this is an open question to everyone.)
LongHairedGal » m not going to argue with you. If you want to say you're anointed, that's your business.
It most likely wouldn't do any good arguing with such people, which is why those in power don't contest it. This is one of the worst doctrines in the religion as it makes no sense. It's clear Jesus was resurrected with a physical body (at least that's what the New Testament teaches). Still, one misinterpreted doctrine leads to another, and another. I know it's not supposed to be a choice, but the only way a person would know is if God revealed it to them, and the Society says this is not possible as revelation no longer is possible.
However, I remember one elder who always used to stress that being anointed is not a "choice", but that the person is chosen. It's not something somebody can work towards.
As far as you wanting to "fly first class", you are not alone because many in the religion want to. This is why I'm GLAD I hardly put anything in those contribution boxes. They could go fly a kite, especially since they criticized people with full time jobs or careers.
I feel all religions are like this with the few at the top wanting an easy life with suckers supporting them.
I'd never get involved with any religion ever again.