What did they say about higher education this year?
2018 Regional Convention
by Addison0998 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
At our location, they had an interview with someone that was basically shunned by her non-witness family for NOT going to college. Everyone gasped and shooked their heads at that idea. And, of course when she said she decided to pioneer instead, everyone clapped.
I see many commenting here about the convention not mentioning about Jesus. Even if they had, so what? Is Jesus truly a historical figure, truly the son of God, truly performed miracles, all his prophecies came true?
The way Jesus said to leave our family and follow him, makes him a cult leader too.I think the point is that many of the things that Jesus taught go directly against the concept of high control religion and JWs try to avoid those ideas.
Jesus taught ...,,against the concept of high control religion and JWs try to avoid those ideas. JW_Rogue
l want to second that thought. Jesus saw the burden of laws on people ( they bind burdens on men grievous be borne ) yet legalisms are the entire structure of the Organization.
Bad, bad association is Jesus.
Beth Sarim
They have to take "Jesus" out of the equation, they have no choice, they have to.
It takes away the glory they Governing Body wants portrayed on themselves, if they focus on "Jesus'' instead.
It takes away the rank and files 'focus' they want on them, the 'organization'.
Focussing on 'Jesus' poses a threat on the Organization, it takes away the rank and file focus on them(Borganization)
This is probably why they hijacked the 'faithful and discreet slave' parable of Matt 24:45-47. Because it fits their agenda.
Focussing on 'Jesus' poses a threat on the Organization, it takes away the rank and file focus on them(Borganization)
- Jesus was against the Pharisees because they cared more about outward appearances than people
- Jesus said that it doesn't matter where we worship as long as we worship in spirit and truth
- Jesus said to do your good deeds in secret so you may be rewarded in secret
- Jesus was against having titles like Rabbi
- Jesus said as long as two or more people were gathered in his name the holy spirit would be there
- Jesus said mercy was more important than sacrifices
It's no wonder they try to avoid talking about him, they do the opposite of many of his teachings. Maybe they'll do a convention on Paul they seem to really like him and all his commands and rules.