The last time I went out to dinner with a group of JW couples was just before we stopped going to meetings about 8 years ago. We were all munching on appetizers of cheese and crackers. One rather ditzy heavy set middle aged sister was picking up pieces of cheese, sniffing them and holding them up to her eye like someone examining a diamond and then popping them in her mouth. This went on for a time and then she proclaimed, using a little girls voice "I just love the new system, I'm going to learn everything there is to know about cheese".
Before I could stop myself, I said jokingly "So a month or two later, what will you be doing for all the rest of eternity?"
Everyone chuckled but the expression on her face told me that she hadn't really given much thought to how she could possibly fill her days, for all of eternity. A round table discussion started on the topic of eternal life. I said I was concerned that when I'm a 950 years old and my wife is 948 years old and my kids are 925 years old, we might not have much left to say to one another. Like the flowers in spring, maybe they're only special because they are here for such a short time. We probably stop noticing them if they bloomed all year long. The same might be true of life, it's special because it short.
The general JW consensus at the table was that it doesn't matter what we'll be doing in the New System so long as we make it there. Jehovah will make sure that we're happy. That kind of answer puts a nice bow and ribbon on a topic that topic that doesn't bode well if you think about in a literal way for too long.