Raymond Franz's Crisis of Conscience deals with just about all of the dates that the WTS uses and has used. Here are quotes from just a few pages (revision 2004 of CoC):
Page 180: Issue of HERALD OF THE MORNING (C.T. Russell was an assitant editor) refers to the dates of 1843/4, 1874/8, and 1914 (when the 'Times of the Gentiles' end). Franz got the photocopy he used from the archives at Brooklyn.
Page 182: Russell, in the July 15, 1906 edition of The Watch Tower, tells of how he asked Nelson Barbour (the editor of the above issue of HOTM) to demonstrate the validity of 1874 as the date when Christ began to rule in heaven. He says "the evidence satisfied me. Being a person of positive convictions and fully consecrated to the Lord, I at once saw that the special times in which we live have an important bearing upon our duty and work as Christ's disciples; that, being in the time of harvest, the harvestwork should be done; and that present truth was the sickle by which the Lord would have us do a gathering and reaping work everywhere among his children."
Page 184, footnote 8: Refers to the book Prophecy, published in 1929. Pages 64,65 mentions 1874 as the date that Christ's invisible 'presence' began.
Page 184, footnote 9: Notes that the Cedar Point convention in 1922 is when the organization first began to shift the date of Christ's rule from 1878 to 1914.
Page 185: Refers to the January 1881 Watch Tower: "So, ours, [referring to the time of harvest] beginning in 1874 closes with the end of the "day of wrath' and end of the "times of the Gentiles,' 1914-- a similar and parallel period of 40 years."
Page 187: Quoting from the same January 1881 Watch Tower: "We shall now present what we adduce from the types and prophetic points as seeming to indicate the translation of the saints and closing of the door to the high calling by 1881."
Page 187: Quoting from Russell's 1889 book The Time Is At Hand, pages 239 and 247:
"Our Lord's presence as Bridegroom and Reaper was recognized during the first three and a half years, from A.D. 1874 to A.D. 1878. Since that time it has been emphatically manifest that the time had come in A.D. 1878 when kingly judgment should begin at the house of God."
"The year A.D. 1878, being the parelle of his assuming power and authority in the type, clearly marks the time for the actual assuming of power as King of kings, by our present, spiritual, invisible Lord-- the time of his taking to himself his great power to reign"
"...October, 1914, will witness the full end of Babylon, "as a great millstone cast into the sea," utterly destroyed as a system."
And so on. Like so many end-times prognosticators, Russell was convinced that these events were happening in his lifetime, or were centered around that period of time. Rutherford amplified this to an almost comical degree, making statements about 1918, 1920, and 1925, before he realized that his efforts were severely hurting recruitment and retaining of followers.
Franz covers a lot of it, using the WTS publications and almost always listing the magazine/book, along with the issues/pages in question. There's a lot of it there. Penton may have more, but I haven't yet read Apocalypse Delayed.