Well, jgnat
Based on other posts here, he has a 50-50 chance of hearing 1914 and 120 years connected to make 2034. It is too early for the WTS to run with the ball but they could be laying the foundation for 21 years from now. Although the WTS knew about the 6,000 years of human history years before 1966 it wasn?t until then only 9 years before 1975 that it started being a date to hope for. So if I?m alive on 2025, I?ll see what happens.
Some day we?ll be back up in your area.
Could be, acsot,
I think that's why some of the JWs I know in the bigger cities are "serving where the need is great", going into foreign language congregations. Struggling to learn a new language helps prevent the insanity-from-monotony syndrome. Even if it is a language that will probably not be used in any other sphere of activity like work or with extended family, such as Hindi or Tagalog. Many long-time Witnesses I know are learning these types of languages, ostensibly to help out. But there are lots of native speaking people of those languages, so they really don't need massive droves of "foreigners" in their congregations. I truly think it's because the R&F are bored out of their minds and need to do something to keep themselves distracted.
Some single ones are switching to find mates too. I am amazed at the ones that go and struggle. At least they don?t understand most of what is said. It?s Greek to them, ha.
Poor BluesBrother,
Did you have to run back and vomit after the talk?
How meany flippin times have we heard that before?
As many times as it takes to keep the "faithful" in line. Before long the generation of 1975 will be dead and it will be easier to fool and manipulate the ones that remain.
Sooner than soon, Elsewhere.
Hi catchthis, you?re new,
I have made this point in previous reviews, but I try not to beat the point. Thanks for bringing it out. Paradise Soon was a phrase the WTS chastised the rank and file for.
Ask yourself, what is the greater issue at hand here? The primary issue that ALL WITNESSES are taught? Is it not Jehovah's Universal Sovereignty being made known? If you were to ask any witness what they look forward to regarding the end of the system, each and every one of them will tell you something that has to do with the paradise. The reason is because they are looking out for Number 1. It's what they get out of it - What will God do for me? But once you remind them about Jah's sovereignty issue they will backpeddle and say, oh yeah, that's right, that is much more important.
*** w99 7/15 p. 18 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***
Some who have stopped associating with the Christian congregation still believe that it practices the true religion. However, they evidently lack the patience and endurance required to wait for the new world that Jehovah God has promised. Life in Paradise has not come soon enough for them.
A few dedicated Christians in some parts of the world appear to have reefed the sails of their ship of faith. The ship is still afloat, but instead of forging ahead in full faith, they have adopted a cruising speed.
Drawn by the hope of "Paradise soon," some were prepared to spare no efforts to attain it?zealous in the preaching work and regular in attendance at all meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Now thinking that the realization of their hopes is farther off than they anticipated, they have lowered the price they are willing to pay. This is evident in reduced preaching activity, irregularity at meetings, and willingness to miss parts of assembly or convention programs. Others are devoting more time to recreation and to obtaining material comforts. These facts lead us to consider what should be the driving force in our lives in line with our dedication to Jehovah.
Should our zeal in his service be dependent on the hope of "Paradise soon"?Hi NY44M,
My condolences on still attending the meetings. I doubt that many near Bethel will make any on platform or comments during the meeting. But as to this
The most offensive quote from the WT was that the Watchtower has a circulation of 25 million copies. While it may be true that they print 25 million copies of each issue, that has no connection with how many copies are circulated. Does the "stacks" of mags that each publisher have in their home count as circulation? Once when our congregation had a "special campaign" they asked the congregation to bring to the hall any excess mags. We ended up with boxes upon boxes of mags.
I made that very comment during my review. We always cut back our order. Sometimes we would bring them to the KH when no one was there and drop them off on the counter to the consternation of the magazine servants.
Mustang, of course, he only said that after he was caught and proven wrong in a public court.
Hey Ann,
There were 2 or 3 comments on being 90 years into the time of the end so it must be real close, yet only one person who made the parallel between Noah's 120 years and ours, and that we shouldn't defer our sense of urgency for 30 years into the future - the end could happen anytime now.
Then why aren?t JWs living their lives and preaching a message as if it were coming tomorrow. The next 2 articles prove that JWs are sitting back and taking it easy and the WTS is not happy.
What about those that have lived through the 1975 fiasco - are they really going to swallow this all over again?
A lot of those JWs are gone, either left or died or getting older, by 2034 they will be in their 70?s and 80?s.
The "faithful" will believe and do whatever the WTS says, the rest will leave.