Do You Think President Trump Will Be Impeached?

by minimus 242 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    What about the former FEC chairman

    What about the former FEC chairman? The FEC doesn't prosecute criminal cases do they? The absolute most the FEC can do is impose fines. They don't charge people with crimes. And they don't put people in jail.

    This is like quoting the head of the DMV as saying, "There's nothing in the DMV hand book about not running over your spouse with your car." - that doesn't mean that 1st or 2nd degree murder with a vehicle is suddenly okay.

    If you want to sit at the table with the adults you need to bring legal and logical arguments to the discussion. Not half quotes from sources who are NOT authorities on the topic.

  • Simon
    Don't forget a record level of hate between parties and ethnic groups.

    That happened under Obama. That was his 'achievement' - setting the US back 40 years when it came to race. A cynical ploy to create anger, resentment and votes.

    He also used government institutions such as the IRS as a party-political attack tool.

    Can you imagine if Trump did half of what the Obama admin did? The MSM would absolutely lose their minds (more than they do every other day). Instead they just claim that Obama was 'scandal free' - pure propaganda.

    But no one on the left cares about real undermining of democracy as long as it's their side doing it.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Yeah, remember that time Obama called for a ban against all Muslims entering out country?

    Or that time Obama called all Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists?

    Or that time Obama said all the 15,000 Hati immigrants have AIDS?

    Or called Africa a bunch of "Shit Hole" countries?

    Or all those times Obama retweeted White Nationalists?

    Wasn't it Obama who was indorsed by the KKK?

    . . . oh wait, none of that was Obama? Oops, well you know what he DID do? - there was that one time he wore that tan suit to a white house briefing. I mean, if that doesn't make Obama a racist son of a bitch I just don't know what does . . .

  • Simon
    Yeah, remember that time Obama called for a ban against all Muslims entering out country?

    Yes, actually, pretty much the exact same ban on people from the same countries that Trump wanted the ban for security reasons.

    Or that time Obama called all Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists?

    He deported many immigrants. Why?

    Or that time Obama said all the 15,000 Hati immigrants have AIDS?

    They do have high incidents.

    Or called Africa a bunch of "Shit Hole" countries?

    Everyone knows some countries are. I know Obama liked to praise them but that's hardly something to be proud about.

    Or all those times Obama retweeted White Nationalists?

    He tweeted black nationalists and hung around with anti-semites.

    Wasn't it Obama who was indorsed by the KKK?

    He seemed heavily on the side of cop-killers and under his watch the democrats spawned another violent mob group.

    Oops, well you know what he DID do? - there was that one time he wore that tan suit to a white house briefing. I mean, if that doesn't make Obama a racist son of a bitch I just don't know what does.

    THAT is why people call it fake-news. We have a long, long list of actual crimes and misdemeanours that Obama did - things like handing massive amounts of cash to terrorist regimes but the media and the media sycophants regurgitate the endless lie that "the worse he did was wore a tan suit!"

    Everyone knows that is an outright lie and deception.

  • RubaDub

    WTF does Obama have to do in this conversation.

    Rub a Dub

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Trump's certainly no saint and, IMO, a president of limited ability.

    I'm pretty sure he's done lots of questionable things.

    People seem ok with brushing previous presidents' shady stuff under the carpet whilst taking a fine-tooth comb to Trump's actions and words.

    Because of this, I feel that a lot of it is hot air and people whining like little bitches because the 'wrong' presidential candidate was elected.

  • sir82

    Seems very likely that Trump will pardon Manafort to try to prevent him from telling what he knows.

    Trump has been quoted as saying that a Manafort flip would cause big trouble for him.

    Problem is, the hung jury for those 10 counts has actually made it more likely that Manafort faces prison time - and in a state penetentiary, rather than the typical "Club Fed" minimum security facility for celebrities like Martha Stewart.

    What isn't clear to me is - would cooperating with Mueller (on the federal-level) reduce Manfort's exposure to state-level charges?

    If so, Trump's danger level rises from merely "hosed" to "royally hosed".

    And all that even ignoring the very likely consequence that a (obviously politically motivated) pardon from Trump would constitute (yet another) plank in the obstruction of justice case - which isn't even in the "top 3" danger areas for Trump any more - a pretty amazing development in its own right.

  • RubaDub

    Trump is just pulling a Bill Clinton tactic.

    Lie through your teeth and when caught, say it was just politically motivated.

    I don't think Obama or Bush would have done anything like those two.

    Rub a Dub

  • sir82

    More interesting stuff: Trump Org. CFO granted immunity:

    If there really were a Trump-Russia financial link, this is the one guy who is in a position to tell all about it.

    Caveat from analysis:

    While O’Brien, Haberman, and Davidson are all veteran journalists who know a lot about Trump, and Weisselberg is someone who would have knowledge of whatever dirty Russian money or tax-evasion shenanigans POTUS/his company might have been involved in, we don’t yet have any evidence that prosecutors anywhere have asked him about those things.

    Caveat to the caveat (same source):

    if Weisselberg did “flip” and incriminate Trump, even in this limited case, the president is going to be so angry about it that it might be worth Weisselberg’s while to go full informant on everything.

    Interesting times we live in!

  • NCC-1701

    I think Clinton should have been impeached. I think Trump should be impeached if circumstances warrant it.

    Has anyone considered the consequences of a Trump impeachment? I think the hostility would get reved up big time.

    Collusion or no collusion, the Russians are delighted I’m sure.

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