Ozzie's Weekend Poll #80

by ozziepost 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    As the cong secretary it meant:- 1] Administering the Deed of Covenant scheme with all the annual paper work so as to squeeze the last penney back from the Inland Revenue for covenanted donations . 2] Making the application to the Charity Commission so that the congo became an official charity.

    J W's dont have to give to charities. They are a charity silly .

    PS I did know of one c/o who purportedly always sent his weekly expenses, from the cong, over to Africa through a recognised charity . He was unique

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Geez, Ozzie! I can't think of anything the dubs actually did that relates to charity or charitable works....(scratches head)

    Frannie B

  • Valis

    Putting money in the contribution box.

  • gumby
    5. Reading how "the Organisation" helps "the brothers" in disasters.

    I cannot recall ever being encouraged to give anything to a "worldly" charity. Never.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Viv,

    I actually signed up for charity work as a dub .. and then the elders told me I could better spend my time in field service

    Mrs Ozzie can relate to that!

    Did ya know that supporting the International Red Cross is not allowed and would cause an 'offender' to get a 'visit' or a 'backroom meeting'??!!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie


    I'd have to say: Number 2 and Number 7.

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