If a committed has been formed for an allegation of serious sin and the person does not agree with the charge is there anything the person can do to let the elders now they do not agree with the charge and if the person is not happy with the three elders choosen for the committee is there anything that can be done before the first meeting.
Also a side point, this same person presented evidence of their scriptural freedom just like the society's said is required, the elders had to deliberate over this information even though it was present just as the society stated, my friend went ahead and got married and now all of a sudden the previous information was put on the back burner and my wife and friend now face a judical committee for adultery. Is this the way elders all ways handle cases, they throw out any information which made be in the person's favor and go right for what can be found written in black and white so they do not have to think?
Please provide me with some insight so I can help my friend.