Would like some information on tours to Grand Canyon. We would like to take a trip there this summer with kids any suggestions?? Thanks PC
Traveling to Grand Canyon
by pc 24 Replies latest jw friends
Well the helicopter flight from Las Vegas which also goes over the hoover dam is a little expensive but well worth it
Would kids enjoy it or be scared? pc
A few years back we did the mule trip down the canyon and stayed in Phantom Ranch. I remember we had to make reservations way in advance.
It's less crowded on the North Rim and just as beautiful. You will have to park and take buses on the South Rim and it is very crowded.
I would start there. Depending on who;s going one fun option it to go down on the mules to the bottom of the canyon. This really kicks ass and is a great way to descend. Better than the shuttle bus anyway. Whether you are going in winter or summer...take lost of water with you. Also make sure you are drinking at least a gallon a day. You may not feel like you're getting dehydrated, but you are...especially out in the desert.
District Overbeer
Thanks everyone.Not only does everyone here help me get over my dispair for growing up in a cult my whole life, they help me with travel plans!!! LOL
Thank you all PC
PS Should I be afraid of snakes and creepy things??
franklin J
Hi PC.
I went to the Grand Canyon during a cross country car trip when I was a student.
I suggest you go to the SOUTH RIM ( the most dramatic), where there is the Bright Angel Trail. There is a fantastic lodge there in the park overlooking the rim called the EL TOVAR Lodge. Is is pricey. There is also plenty of camp grounds and cheaper accomodations outside the park.
My buddy and I hiked down the Bright Angel Trail and it was a fantastic experience. It took us about 8-10 hours to go down on foot to the Colorado river at the bottom ( I do not recommend that you take the donkeys down the trail). It took about 15 hours to get back up. There is also a camp ground half way down.
It is a wonderful opportuity and a spectacular Natural wonder. Have a great trip!
regards, Frank
franlin...they don't use donkeys anymore...*LOL* Mules are the preferred mode of transport...eheh
District Overbeer
Kids would love it IMHO