The McDonald's Diet

by Pleasuredome 10 Replies latest social current

  • Pleasuredome

    i thought this news item was quite funny.

    LAST February, Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig. His mission: To eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's and document the impact on his health.

    ""Consumers can achieve balance in their daily dining decisions by choosing from our array of quality offerings and range of portion sizes to meet their taste and nutrition goals," McDonald's said in a statement." in other words, as long as people dont eat at mcdonald's too often they wont be adversely affected by the crap thats in the food.

  • joenobody

    I just read this article today as well - totally disgusted me. I would highly recommend "Fast Food Nation" as a gripping read. The comments by the doctors about his liver were gross and appalling. Can't wait for this to come out on Sundance Channel.

  • codeblue

    I heard that after consuming this diet for 26 days that his doctors told him to STOP appeared he was having liver damage.


  • shera

    I would feel so ill.....

  • Pleasuredome
  • Country_Woman

    So I hold on "as long as people dont eat at mcdonald's too often they wont be adversely affected by the crap thats in the food"

    Lucky for me for I enjoy to take the McKroket and the MsSalads......

    (at highest 3 times a month normaly - but that is because I have to drive 45 minutes for the nearest MacDonald)

  • avengers

    Think outside the bun!

    How's about a taco or burrito?
    Too bad though you can't buy any tacos here in the "lowlands" (The Netherlands) of Western Europe.
    Unless you really wanna pay for it, unlike Taco Bell where Tacos are cheap.

    Somebody should do something about that.
    Anybody volunteering to start a taco-stand here in in Europe?
    Just kiddin'

    BTW. What is actually wrong with their food?
    When you go to the store, you buy buns and meat en lettuce and dressing.
    So what's so different?


  • Stephanus

    McDonalds is fine if eaten occasionally against a background of a balanced diet. This guy's idiotic experiment doesn't prove McDonalds to be "bad for you", anymore than the dangerous fad diets of the 70s proved that grapefruit, to pick one well known example, is "bad for you".

  • shamus

    McDonald's is a corporation that wants your money and will do whatever it takes to get it. They DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH, thank you very much. Even they know that they're diet is absolutley horrible..... like HELLO!

    I, personally wouldn't eat at McDonald's if my life depended on it. They're food is the simplest forms imaginable (white flour extrordinaire buns... bleah!) and the only thing that tastes like anything is the ketchup, which is full of sugar as it is.

    That is why McDonald's tastes so good... because NOBODY PROCESSES FOOD as much or the same as McDonald's. Its the same as eating a "twinkie".

  • shamus

    It's also like eating white bread with cheeze whiz on it... only the bread was made my McDonald's and super refined. It's like having processed sugar with processed cheese with processed hamburger meat with lots of fillers that have been processed.

    Food value = zero.

    Sugar value = extreme

    Fat = extreme

    Imagine having a 2 litre bottle of coke for lunch... McDonald's is the same thing. That's why you feel hungry 2 hours later. Because the food is so simple! It's so bad for you!

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