I will tell you what used to scare me real good was the circuit overseer when he would come to my parents home to stay. My parents would get real stressed out trying to find just the right food dishs and fix his bed real nice, and fight among them self's because of the stress of it all. So he always looked like this to me at the young age of six:
Did the Circut overseer ever scare you as a kid?
by Singing Man 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He scares me as an adult ...............
Yeah, everyone got real uptight and nervous in our hall when the overseer would come-hey he was just a man. It was always funny, the meeting attendence would always swing up that week for some odd reason and people who worked during the weekend would go out in service on Tuesday Frikin morning. Hell, people would even go out Sunday after meeting. I couldn't imagine having that tough boob job, everything provided for you, all that power, everyone doing everything for you, eating out and traveling around, all expenses paid-hundred dollar handshakes, I tell you-I couldn't do it
Scarlet Begonia
Just the way they tend to ramble on, scared me as a kid.
Welcome to the Board SB.
The CO never scared me as a kid because we never had him over for dinner and they never talked to kids. The elders however, all seemed scared shitless whenever the CO decended from above. It used to make me laugh how all the elders would attend the Sunday service meeting only when the CO was in town, how they were all soooo nice for the week, and how people would actually make an effort when they answered up during the WT "study".
I lived with a sociopathic, sexually abusive father 24/7. Why would a man who never came to my home and only showed up at the KH twice a year for 7 hours a week scare me?
I met several socially through other JW members of my family. Some were pretty nice but they didn't last. The nice ones died young and left because of "health" problems (caused by too much stress). The current one is a total jackass, the worst I have ever known in over 40 years of attending meetings. He is making a name for himself as the CO that removed the most elders in 3 years. Is the WTS cleaning house?
Our last one was the same kind - he visited four times to sort out things, and then the fifth to remove, and the sixth and final to see if things had calmed down. He removed me - but the branch changed his decision and reinstated me - and wow! was he angry the sixth time around, did not even greet!
The present one - succeeded, though, he is even worse than the previous executioner. And the people in the congregation respects that!!!?? They somehow think it is cool that these guys are so tough ......
They told about the present one, that (you know brothers ain't supposed to attend to literature things etc. during meethings) a MS was at the literature counter during a meeting, and this CO went down and literally grabbed him by the arm and led him back to his seat. And the congregation? Nodded and thought that "now there's a tough guy, that's how it ought to be!"
People are strange.
As a kid (0-12) I was a little nervous. As a young adult (12-16) I didn't care. As an adult (17-22) I thought they were condescending assholes.
Singing Man
I would have filed an assult charge on that pin headed elder so fast it would have made his head swim down stream all the way to Mobil.
Assult: the threat or attempt to strike another, whether successful or not, provided the target is aware of the danger. The assaulter must be reasonably capable of carrying through the attack. An assult can be to simply touch ones person with out permission, or to double ones fist as if to be hit.
If an assault results in physical contact, a battery has occurred. Battery occurs when a person unlawfully applies force to another human being. Any objectionable touching, even if it does not involve physical pain, may constitute battery. The force may be caused by a fist, weapon, stick, rock, or some other instrument.
(I had an elder physicaly force me into a diferent room to prove a point from some books to me, while I was in a seziure condition. Looking back I should have litagated and got money from him or at lest put his ass in jail.)
Yes, as a matter of fact, I had one very bad experience with one when I was a young teenager. I had just moved down from New York state to CT..........had studied with a few different conductors there, because they were all special pioneers, etc. and kept moving out of our cong. after a short stay there.........maybe 1 to 1/12 years all told..............then, my family moved. Well, a very sweet, slightly nutty sister took my sister, mom and I on as her studies. At the CO's visit, she brought him to my study. Well, that old fart decided to grill me about who the patriarchs were, and other shit that I couldn't answer! Then, after making me sweat thru that, he got on his soapbox and harangued me about the fact that I didn't seem to be very sincere in my studies, and to quit wasting everyone's time and make a decision. Basically, he reduced me to tears of anger and humiliation. Interesting, that I passed this thread three or four times before I remembered this incident and responded...........sometimes unpleasant memories are buried deep. Of course, my sister's study went awesome, she was the darling of the KH by that time, while my mom and I were definitely two bad warts on the JW butts! LOL! I remember that incident, plus the fact that my sister was making so many friends and going so many places were the impetus for me to get baptized, even tho I had been dead set against it in my heart............looking back on it now, I was such a weenie.........I caved for all the wrong reasons, and only wish I'd followed my heart and gut instincts that told me to runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!