Yes as a matter of fact he was one of them when I waas about twenty ( I think he he was the SS.) and there was a so called Bro Rogers that was a real turd he wore cow boy boots on the stage and made heads roll during elder meetings they hated him. He wore this on his shoulder:
Did the Circut overseer ever scare you as a kid?
by Singing Man 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember on DO who was a good ole guy. Don't remember names, sorry. Even though he was a nice old dude, he seemed to be a little out of it. Didn't really know what was going on, or he was great at hiding it. He got replaced with a real firecracker later. Fire and brimstone preacher, this new guy. I kept waiting for him to bring out the snake box.
I used to have CO's stay at our home all the time.
just recently my daughters now all grown up have started telling me how nasty they were to them when I wasn't in the room.
I wish to god they had told me then but they said 'we were frightened'
I feel so angry with myself for letting shi**y people like them near my kids.
Yes, CO's were intimidating to me. One story that pisses me off just remembering it:
My mom and a few other sisters were preparing lunch for this pompous ass of a CO. My mom went to serve him his drink, and he shoved the glass back at her and said angerly, "Lose the ice!" and continued talking in conversation to the other elders at the table. I wished she'd dumped the drink on his head and walked out!
Growing up I wasn't scared. The worst thing I had to do as a kid was recite the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures (NT) in front of the cong during the Saturday evening meeting. I thought I was going to have to do it on my own but was relieved when I got up with a group of kids. I was about 9. The worst of it was the pressure from my parents and older brothers who got away without having to do it because they were teenagers.
During my teen years I only remember nice COs. For several terms we had ones who liked kids and gave the young ones assignments, drawing pictures to be displayed at the special meeting. The kids part would take up a large portion of the Saturday meeting. The other part was generally interesting and the worst the COs did was gently rib the elders.
Once I became an MS I saw the other side and met the likes of Alan Stokes who befriended the rich brothers and pontificated on everything he had a problem with. The DO at that time, Brother (Noble) Bower, was a piece of work too. After that, CO visits were merely a performance review of the worst kind. After I quit being an elder the CO didn't speak to me at his visit. I left the area and moved far away but my reputation must have followed, I never spoke to another CO after quitting as an elder.