Sea Breeze, while it is true that Charles T. Russell taught that the 1,000 portion of Christ's reign would begin in 1914, decades later the WT was teaching the 1,000 year portion would be later. During the time of Franz and Knorr (at least since the 1970s) the Watchtower while teaching that Christ's reign started in 1914 CE were also teaching his 1,000 year reign was in the near future, and that it would be after the battle of Armageddon. You are equating the 1000 year reign of Christ with the entire time period of Christ's reign, but the WT (at least since 1970) does not do so. The WT (at least since 1970) says that the 1,000 year reign of Christ is only a portion (the main portion yes, but not the full portion) of Christ's reign.
Around the year 1970 the WT was teaching that the 1,000 year portion of Christ's reign had a very high likelihood of starting in the year 1975 (or very soon afterwards). [They were teaching that the year 1975 would be the completion of the 6,000th year of human existence and they were teaching that each of the creative days of Genesis were 7,000 years long.] Around the year 1970 the WT was also teaching that Christ began his rule as God's king in the year 1914. I was raised in the WT religion from infancy and I got baptized into the WT/JW religion in the early 1980s, and a few weeks ago I reviewed their literature from the 1974 time period regarding this topic, so I know what I am writing about. Note the following evidence from the WT literature.
The WT published a book called God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached with the copyright date of 1973. Notice that title says the 1,000 year reign was in the near future at the time the book was published, not that in the past. Page 12 in ph. 11 says in part the following:
'... little did Nebuchadnezzar know that at the end of those "seven times" of Gentile domination in 1914 the "King of the heavens" would give the "kingdom of mankind" to the one whom he wanted to--His Messiah!--Daniel 9:25.'
Page 44 in ph. 41 says in part the following:
"According to the Bible's timetable, the beginning of the seventh millennium of mankind's existence on earth is near at hand, within this generation. Now as at no time in the past the inhabitants of earth need the binding and abyssing of Satan the Devil in a real way. The world events immediately ahead of this are about to take place, and mankind's great adversary and oppressor will be sealed up in the abyss for ten centuries of time. The royal rule of Christ and his resurrected congregation for a thousand years of peace and blessing to the human family is before us with all its glorious possibilities!"
The final chapter of the WT's book called God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached. Ph. 1 of that chapter on page 398 says the following:
"THE KINGDOM of God by his Messiah for a thousand years has approached! The basis for announcing this good news is solid, firmly established in inspired Scripture and in world events since 1914 C.E. The millennial kingdom's approach means that the political governments of imperfect, dying human rulers are approaching their end. "In the days of those kings," said the inspired prophet Daniel to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, "the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite."--Daniel 2:44."
On page 405 of the book the first part of ph. 15 says:
'Thus when the glorious thousand years of Messiah's reign over all the earth are ready to begin, a "grand salvation" will indeed have been wrought by God for all his loyal ones on earth. Just think of it! For these loyal ones there has come a good riddance of all the wicked ones on earth and in the invisible realm about the earth. There can now follow a preservation of such loyal ones all during the thousand years of God's Messianic kingdom, the loyal ones of the "great crowd" being the ones that will forever keep living upon the cleansed earth.'
Sea Breeze, I agree with you that the WT's teaching that Christ became king in 1914 is an erroneous teaching and that it conflicts with the Bible's teaching. It is one of the reasons I stopped believing in the WT/JW religion.