Is This Winter Harsh Where You Live?

by shamus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    LOL! We got apostates throwing boiling water outside everywhere in Alberta, LOL!

    That is too cool... I am going to try it tonite when it gets down to 25 below. It is snowing like hell here and windy.... not snowing a lot, but just crappy.

  • Eyebrow2

    I WOULD LOVE to be somewhere with a ton of snow!!!

    i really miss New Hampshire....

  • Maverick

    Ya it's cold here too! I had to wear a long sleaved shirt lastnight to feed the fish in the fishpond! Maverick

  • seedy3

    It has been tough here, the temps have been dropping into the mid 70's f and only reaching the mid 80's f during the day

  • smack

    you Americans and Canadians may have the bestest countries in the world..............but when you gonna realise that they are just in the wrong place? :)


  • Sunnygal41

    Shamus, this has been a real old fashioned "winter" here in Connecticut, too. The temp. hasn't gone above freezing in weeks.................this last week it was single digits to 0 at night, and during the day in the low teens. We just got a nice storm last night, only 5 inches of snow, but they cancelled school because the darn parents are so sue happy and half the people on the roads don't drive carefully! To make things even more of an adventure, my heater core decided to crap the bed and now even the blowers aren't, I look like an eskimo driving along with no heat, my breath frosting the inside of the windshield up.................LOL! How's that for making you feel less alone? Keep your sense of humor and thank God/dess for the internet!

    Warm hugs,


  • morty

    Another day of more snow....We have snow squall warnings for middlesex county..( Mostly Southwestern Ontario) and it has started again....We woke up to another 15-20cms of snow this morning, just to go with the almost 2 feet we have gotten in the last week or so....

    The school buses are cancelled again, and my son is never going to get his damn exams written....These are his first ones, so we all know that feeling of having to write one and having the knot in your belly....He has been trying to write the same french exam now for a week..( sorry Shamus for hyjacking your thread for a moment)

    You have to be a true Canadian to get through all this mess....

    siging off as, your weather annoucer for the day

    Morty.....back to you Shamus


    - as I look outside, what do I see:

    S N O W


  • JH

    Damn winter That says enough

  • cruzanheart

    It hasn't been too bad in Texas so far this winter, but February is usually our bad month, if we're going to have one. Our English friends got a taste of Texas winter last week and they're probably still talking about it: it was cool but sunny when they arrived, then they had one cloudy day, one totally wet day, one incredibly beautiful 74-degree day, and then the temperature plummeted with an icy north wind the day they left. Now they know why I laughed when they asked what the weather was like. I told them to bring an overcoat and shorts.


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