Is This Winter Harsh Where You Live?

by shamus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    I'm sitting here, in my chair, at my desk, at work, and as I turn around to look out the big picture window of our office..............I see SNOWFLAKES falling, again! It's soooo pretty! We got anywhere's from 5 to 10 inches last night in about 8 hours, and they pretty much cancelled school thru the whole state................Morton, I work for the Board of Ed, in the transportation dept. It's part of my job to make sure the kids get to and from school SAFELY. I was thinking over the situation of why they cancel so quickly now, (they even cancelled last week because of extreme cold) and I have come to realize that it is partly because many of the parents are so quick to threaten the BOE with a lawsuit! I cannot tell you how many parents I've had call and say: "if something happens to my child, you will be hearing from my lawyer!" It's sad. Also, another reason, I think, is the world has gotten much more crowded than it was when we were kids, and more complicated, and let's face it, most of the kids today would rather sit in front of a computer or a TV set than go outside a sled or build snowmen or forts.


  • RunningMan

    Well, I might hold the record here. Last night it went to -42C (that's -43.6F - the two scales intersect at -40). With the wind chill, it went to -54 (that's -65.2F).

    It's supposed to warm up to a balmy -33 by afternoon.

    But, we don't consider this cold, yet.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Fall, Winter and Spring time here in Southwest Florida is delightful. However, Summer time is similar to the hell of fire many people believe in. It's awful hot and humid!


  • stillajwexelder

    Well it is zero degrees Farenheit at the moment or minus 18 C if you prefer -- so to me that is fu----g cold

  • frenchbabyface

    Nothing I can't bear till now ...


    Brass Monkeys aside, click this, and you can find out the latest on outdoor ice-cream making in the land of beavers, fevers and chills:

    You'll see a map of Canada, drag your mouse over the temperatures and you'll see the city that it represents.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Runningman, you win. This morning it is a balmy -30 (with windchill -39) here. This is a contest I am happy to let you win. Did you try tossing the boiling water in the air, too? Anyway, they say the worst is over for a bit, and it will warm up a bit soon.

  • Sentinel

    Cold here--low teens with wind gusts of 40mph, making wind chill factor below zero. More than seven inches of snow fell Monday, followed by ice storm on Tuesday. Subdivision still covered. Plow went through one time early Monday morning, but streets are still very bad. I cleaned off our driveway by myself Monday morning, so we could get our cars out--long driveway up an incline. (hubby can't, due to his health) Yesterday, it was a sheet of ice and this morning as well. We have "unscheduled leave" at our jobs, but are required to get in as soon as we can.

    More snow headed our way by Friday. The view from our back windows into the yard is absolutely beautiful. I much prefer looking out at it for sure.


  • Gerard
    Re: Is This Winter Harsh Where You Live?

    Today I saw a lawyer put his hands in his own pokets. It is THAT cold!


  • xjw_b12

    You want to talk about snow? How about this guy's cottage?

    Regular snowfall

    Unusual snowfall

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