My wife asked me that question yesterday and I really didn't know how to answer that. For quite a while I knew this religion was getting more bogus by the minute but I'm not sure what defined "it" for me. Do you remember what got you to KNOW that this was simply not the "truth"?
When Did Things "Click" With You About The "Truth"?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
When I read the Finished Mystery. The Revelation book is not much better.
BTW Min I was getting worried about you, glad your back.
I was away on business for a few days. Thanks.
Min, for me, it wasn't one moment or one started way back when I was first learning, my gut told me then it was bogus. One of the next major moments of added doubt was when I met this cool lady from door to door.........she was a REAL bible scholar and planted a few interesting questions in my mind that really almost got me out then..............then, when they changed the whole "generational" thing, I was seriously disillusioned. Finally, just a few months before I quit going, I had an altercation with a "sister" that just made me question the whole arrangement and the goofy people involved..............
My husband had been "researching" for several years, and it all unraveled for him. He would share things with me from time to time and I was irate. I couldn't believe he was reading apostate literature. I didn't believe any of it.
After about 4 years, in 1995, it all fell into "slots" in my head, and I knew he was right. In 1997 I finally read Crisis of Conscience and that was the final nail in the WTS coffin.
Well, I was "clicked on" at age thirteen. By age twenty, I was "short-circuiting" big time. From that time through to my mid thirties, I knew in my heart that something was more than just a little wrong with their belief system. During this time period, I was "pretending" so I didn't have to be subjected to the shunning affects from my mom. I did this until I just couldn't ride that "merry-go-round" anymore. I walked away totally in the early 80's.
Until I was in my late forties, I still carried around so much pain and emotional distress, low self-esteem, and related issues concerning JW's--but I wasn't strong enough to get myself totally up and out of it's hold on me. I was consumed with guilt.
By the time all the kids were gone and life began settling down more, I got a computer and began to research. I began purchasing used and new books, and I set about to heal myself. By age 54, I had rid myself totally of even a glint of those feelings like "maybe they are right, but I just can't live that way. Maybe it's all me." I knew for certain they are wrong.
It's so wonderful to be totally free of the hold they had on me for so much of my life. I might add, totally free of any religious concepts.
lies, lack of love, child abuse isse
All of the above, which are interrelated.
One episode that stands out: After many many years of abuse by my dad my mom told the elders about him One of my dads favourite things was to march around the house (outside) Saying :those @@#*! Jehovahs witnesses">It was so imbarassing with the neighbours looking out there windows. So the elders came and told my mom she should be a better wife My mother who never missed a meeting or going in the service was told she should be more submisive.End of story
City Fan
During my mid to late teens I would often pass the time during boring service meetings and even more boring Watchtower studies by reading through sections of the bible. What I read there convinced me that the god Yahweh of the old testament didn't exist and if he did he could carry on without me. All I saw was injustice and unfairness caused by his own almighty meddling.
I saw the bible as a book of myth and legend and I found myself disagreeing with the Watchtower society's literal interpretation of it. I also began to hate the double life and hypocrisy of most of the youths I mixed with in the 'troof'.
I believe now that true spirituality cannot come from fear.
got my forty homey?
Unbelievably, even after abuse from my Father, abuse from Bethel, and abuse from the "World" I continued thinking it was the truth till about 1998, which was 8 years after my being df'd. What starting clicking for me was after I read the two Ray Franz books. While reading these books many doubts within my mind cmae to light, as if I was brainwashed and was scared to even think about them. I continued doing research on these issues including reading "The masons and Jehovah Witnesses and Mental illness and Jehovahs Witnesses."