Since JWs say they would do the ultimate and actually die for their brother, was that something that you honestly feel that YOU would have done?
Would YOU Have REALLY Died For Your Brother or Sister???
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
possibly --but I am not sure to be truthful - fleshly brother without hesitation
I would die for my brother, but not my younger brother who was always anoying everyone with stupid questions.
Hell no! This is just another stupid thing cults say to foster the "it's us against the world" mentality.
Saddly, many have died for their brothers on the Governing Body but think they are doing it for god. It's just done a bit more subtle than David Korech of the Branch Dividians.
I always hoped that in case that was actually asked of me, that I would be able to make that sacrifice. I tend to believe that I would do what was necessary at the time.
Those types of questions are difficult to answer unless one is facing it head on. When adrenalin is pumping, one usually goes above and beyond the ordinary when the ocassion arises.
nobody told me
I would give up my life for my brother, but NEVER my seat at the district convention.
I was prepared to die over the blood issue, and came pretty close to it (from what I was told) following a postpartum haemorrhage with my firstborn child.
There were some Brothers? and Sisters? whom I considered to be my friends who I felt that I could have died for. And then there were some who almost drove me to the point of dying (killing myself) because of them.
It was actually a very painful realization that out of every JW I had ever known (hundreds) I only had maybe one or two friends who cared enough about me that they actually would have been prepared to die for me or my children. Hell, in my congregation if you needed a ride to the meeting, nobody would have given you a ride, so how on earth could I have expected any of them to lay down their life for me? I had better chances with strangers from off the street.
Love, Scully
Question: Would you have reallydied for your brother or sister???
Condensed and simplified answer: HELL NO
First of all, it's a lie when they say that they would give their lives for other witness. Often I saw people in the congregation who didn't have much to eat, or had no money to buy cloths, and some in hospitals, and none of them got help or visits to encourage them.
Since they weren't sincere from the start, I'm no fool either.
minimus ignore first link this is the one to look at its my respone