Anyone else obsessed with the Democratic....

by morrisamb 16 Replies latest social current

  • morrisamb

    Your politics is so fascinating! I've been watch New Hampshire etc. non stop...I think Howard Dean did great coming in second and gave a wonderful speech. Last week's was way overplayed and blown out of proportion...He sounded great then and does now.

    Kerry is a nice guy but I think he'd do great in a 3rd version of the Munsters myself. So wooden, no natural speaking ability.

    My 2nd favourite is Joe Lieberman.

    What do you guys think?

  • stillajwexelder

    I prefer George Bush -- I am not a democrat

  • Celia

    I am with you concerning Dean's last weeks' outburst. There was nothing wrong with it. Just the media exagerating things. Dean was just trying to comfort all the young helpers in his campaign. Anyway, I like John Edwards, Dean too, our former Governor... but he came up with Act 60 here in Vermont, a catastrophe for education and how education is funded. Kerry is another Bush as far as I'm concerned.... and I sure don't like Bush.... Before all the Bush lovers jump on me, let me say that I am not allowed to vote, as I am still a French citizen.

  • Badger

    Dean and Clark are my faves...I agree on Kerry...He needs to be a battler.

    I think that Dean Iis looking a lot like Al Smith did in the 20's...A fighter, controversial but good at riling up us stalwarts. He may not win, but he could set the stage for a revival of the left

  • morrisamb

    I started out liking Bush (although only after McCain dropped out-he was just wonderful)...I thought Bush would be better than Gore, but not Bradley -who I also liked.

    But over the last 3 years, I'm sorry, don't want to piss off Bush lovers, but I'm no longer a fan...there is some mighty arrogance in that guy.

    Howard Dean is like the John McCain of 2004 (I know different party)!

    I can't believe people think Kerry will beat Bush...imagine those two in a debate. I might not care for Bush, but he has charisma and a way with a quip.

    Now imagine Dean vs Bush. I can and so can Dean supporters.

    You know what amazes me? I've heard Bush handlers saying they'd prefer Dean to Kerry. Now, give me a break! I remember all too clearly the interview with Bush where he couldn't name prominent leaders of foreign countries. My partner insists Bush is Push the butten happy, as in trigger-happy.

    Dean is fascinating to watch. With the others I'm going , La la la, just like the character on Mad TV!

  • SixofNine

    This is my first foray into politics, so while I like the democratic position better than the republican one right now, I'm not ready to assign myself a party just yet. I guess I think the independant position makes the most sense for me.

    I'm only as involved as I am right now, because I think, as a man, Wes Clark is head and shoulders above George Bush. I think that if he can get the democratic nomination, (and I admit that he has strong competition for that) he can take on George Bush on many fronts that his competition cannot. Just last week for instance, the three Senators in the race neglected to vote on the Omnibus spending bill that attacks overtime pay for people making over 20 per hour. That would be a GREAT area of attack, imo, but they can't touch it now, because they didn't do their duty. There is a reason no sitting senator has won a presidential election since 1888; they have all those votes or lack thereof to be either attacked, or silence by.

    Conversely, Wes Clark, while in the race the shortest amount of time, took 3 days out to honor his commitment to go to the Hague and testify in the war crimes trial against Milosovich. Yes, he got some press from it, but he lost alot more, as the white house blacked out his testimony.

    But Bush is the danger to democracy right now, and almost any of the democrats could only be better. I just think Clark, who has always been a "mr. fix-it" in terms of coming in and cleaning up with good leadership, can do the most to point America in the right direction for the next 100 years. Hell, he's the only politician I've ever heard who even thought 25 years ahead, no less 100 years. It may not be politically expediant, but it's the kind of leadership we need, because we may survive the mess we're making, but the question is will our grandchildren survive the mess we're making?

  • patio34

    When the primary is here, I'll vote for Dennis Kucinich. He is the only one who's record has been clean about his stance on the Iraq war and the intelligence about WMDs. He also was the only one who voted against the Patriot Act.

    I don't know enough yet about Kerry, Dean, Edwards, & Clark to make a good choice, if Kucinich is not still running.

    In the final elections though, I will be voting against President Bush.


  • Badger
    Yes, he got some press from it, but he lost alot more, as the white house blacked out his testimony.

    Just what is it about this guy that scares the White House? What is Reichmarschall Rove afraid of?

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Six please explain how Bush is a threat to democracy? I know why some people don't like him but I don't see any basis for that comment.

    Dennis K? Oh my! Lunacy unleashed.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Here's an interesting link for those of you obsessed with the current presidential election or even the past ones. It's a thread that contains a link to a very cool website where you can look all kinds of statistics and results about past presidential elections and it will also have current ones as they come in. Want to know how Clinton compared to GW Bush in your county? You can find this kind of info on that site.


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