Six please explain how Bush is a threat to democracy? I know why some people don't like him but I don't see any basis for that comment.
Well for starters, he wants to rule in secrecy, he wants to make war on his own whims, w/o giving open, honest reasons for it, and he doesn't want to be accountable to the people he supposedly serves. He also tends towards getting religion involved with state, bless his fucking stupid heart. He has a most nasty penchant towards a reverse RobinHood type of fiscal distribution, which will hurt the poor first, to be sure, but also the rich not so long after. Those are the direct threats, off the top of my head.
The indirect threats are in the great damage he does to this particular democracy's place in the world. Damage that will haunt us for years to come. He'll spawn fresh terrorist violence against us, while not building tight alliances with all our past and potential friends to help fight that terrorism. He'll wield America's military power like a butchers axe for situations that beg for a scalpel. What happens this election will determine whether or not babies being born now will be drafted into an army being worn threadbare both internally and externally 18 years from now.