From the outside looking in, the ex-JWs have a very legitimate reason to wish this cult would go away. I'll put it bluntly though, you guys and gals need to get better organized and get the word out there. Get your damn shit together once and for all!
A few months ago, someone had the bright idea of writing in mass 'dis-associate' letters to your respective Kingdom Halls. It seemed like a good idea, with many on board, then it just fizzled out. The highway billboard was a clever idea, but you need to keep it up, for Crissakes.
Coming on sites like this, and ranting is ok, but after a certain point it's wasted energy. Like the old Elvis song, you need "A little less conversation & a little more ACTION."
Some ex-JWs put up their own Youtube videos, which is good, but many are pretty amatuerish and sloppy. Many of the commenters look like they just woke up, or are sitting in their basement. It seems like the only ones watching them are ex-JWs and maybe a few curious JWs. Here's an idea, start your own EX-JWTV.ORG!! How f-ing hard can it be?!? You just need to get organized and decide whose doing what. Hell, if small, podunk towns can put together a local news studio to make the 'farm & market' report, surely you can come up with SOMETHING besides relying on the Trey Bundy's of the world to do all the legwork.
Oh, and speaking of smaller cities and towns, do you realize that most local news outlets have a special segment for people who have been wronged/scammed/fleeced/injured in some way? These outlets would probably be tickled to do a story on the JWs pedo problem. Just send them all the news clippings and links! Tell them to simply Google the term Jehovah's Witness, then hit the 'news' icon. Almost all the results are about the ABUSE!! Now try the same thing with....Baptist Church (for example). Barely anything on them. Maybe one story that sounds adverse, but no pedos.
C'mon people...DO SOMETHING!! Are the after-effects of having been JWs hindering you from acting? Seriously, I haven't been a JW, so it's an honest question, and not meant to insult.
Peace out, SS