New convention video: Do you see what I see?

by neat blue dog 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TonusOH

    I think that the theme of "patience" will get more and more attention, at least for a while. Even if it's the last days of the last days, which would seem to make urgency more important.

    Also, that guy appears to be wearing skinny jeans. Is this a coded jab at Anthony Morris?

  • dozy

    The guy does have a beard - it is standard stock footage. I guess he is supposed to be a "worldly" guy in contemplation - just ready to transform his life by attending a convention. For all of their studios , the Org still use a huge amount of bought in "wordly" material in their content . The opening shot of cars on a freeway is from Moscow - again , stock footage.

  • Hellothere
    Conventions are so boring. Everyone of them hade tested my patience.
  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I see a man contemplating following Jesus alone after disobediently following men for half his life.

    Will he take the plunge?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''Do you see what I see?""

    Sounds like a Christmas carol.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    "If you could see what I see"

    - some anthropomorphic literature cart

  • BelisemDeBelimakom

    At least they gave credits.

    Anyway, I've remarked also that the video is narrated by a woman. Did they do that previously or is it something new?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Be on the lookout for the new musical album from JW(dot)ORG, titled "Van Amberg On The Beach".

  • Chevelle

    JW Broadcasting- March 2020

    (no patience is required... the end is almost here)

    “so the events unfolding around us are making clearer than ever that we’re living in the final part of the Last Days. Undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the Last Days. Shortly before the last day of The Last Days.” – Stephen Lett


    GB in 2023: 'Disregard what brother Lett said over 3 years ago. Now we have to be patient yet again.'

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    A friend mentioned seeing a few beards in recent pictures of the new world.

    Related: that bible ( book)study video this,week had a woman progressing in da troof starting with an afro, then braids, then straightened hair.

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