Uhhumm big things happening in jw land. New shining bright light. They let you have a beard. But now that uncle Tony is gone. Are they gonna drop the tight pants rule also? We all in expectation what the new light on this gonna be. Or like muffin Sanders like too say, it's "trilling" and "exiting" news.
New convention video: Do you see what I see?
by neat blue dog 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I still don’t see a clear beard on the guy , mind you the WT May 1 1968 said this
‘“ In paradise restored on earth it would not be out of order if men returned to wearing beards, in perfect fashion, like Adam in Eden.”
Conventions, just like assemblies, are MONEY GRAB SCHEMES! Plus, this is an event that SPIMIs mainly look forward each and every year--like the Memorial.
Obviously the guy is contemplating shaving his beard so he can join the cult
Is the man meant to be seen as a jw,,, or a non-jw being invited to the convention?
was a new boy
2 days ago
I still don’t see a clear beard on the guy ,
Do you see what I see?
I called up the Teaching Staff, a Brother Slats Grobnik in fact, he told me it was a guy who went on tour at Warwick a few years back and who had gone to Thailand for 'Self Discovery' and to visit their 'stunning beaches'.
Which was a new one for me as I've heard of guys going to the shore to check out the stunning babes, but never 'stunning beaches'.