Girl Scout Cookies are the Work of the Devil

by Xena 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Seriously, they masquerade as angels of light, with their dark chocolate minty taste (my personal satan being the thin mint ones) but in reality they are little fiendish wafers of fat and carbohydrates waiting to attack the weak defences of your tastebuds so they can defile the temple of your flesh.

    I think I need an exorcism....or another box of cookies *sigh*

  • Sassy

    and to think not only do I buy them now as an xJW.. but I bought them every year as a JW too!!

  • Xena

    The one time an Awake article might have been useful, huh Sassy? If only we had known....

  • Sassy

    Lots of things would have been helpful!!! I have been learning all kinds of things that I shouldn't have been doing as a JW!! SimpleSally told me the hot dogs I was buying have blood in them too!! Oh my! I was a bad JW.. and I never knew!

    well... I do love girl scout cookies.. I just ordered 4 boxes yesterday!

  • dustyb

    lol, i acutally thought that the WTS banned the purchasing of Girl Scout Cookies by JW's....but my mom still always bought them because they were sooooooooooo goooooooooooood.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    My father always taught me to buy anything from a child where the money benefits a good cause. Consequently, I purchase at least 1 box from any girl scout that approaches me this time of year. My husband does the same when he's approached, so we end up with cookies to last all year round!

    My husband is a big thin-mint fan, my son loves the peanut butter patties, my daughter is old enough this year to try them, and I'm partial to the shortbread. I will forever mourn the loss of the all time tastiest of the GS cookies, the Scot-Tea (or however it was spelled, they've been gone for years and I sill miss them!).

  • Xena
    i acutally thought that the WTS banned the purchasing of Girl Scout Cookies by JW's

    It's probably a "conscience" matter but considering you aren't allowed to be a Girl Scout I would have to say it's a testiment to their devilish good taste that so many dubs buy them!

    You know Sara Annie I am so addicted to the thin mints I don't even give the other cookies the time of day! Do ya'll put them in the freezer???? I swear I can hear them calling my name from in there! Tempting me....taunting me to just try and take just one....

    How in the world can you keep them in the house ALL YEAR? The fruitages of the spirit, namely self-control, are strong in your household!!!

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    How in the world can you keep them in the house ALL YEAR? The fruitages of the spirit, namely self-control, are strong in your household!!!

    Xena-they freeze remarkably well--and since the majority that we buy are thin mints, it's my husband's stellar self control that keeps him on a strict rationing schedule so that he doesn't run out. He uses them to make other thin-mint concoctions--my favorite is when he mixes them into vanilla custard in the ice cream machine in the summer and makes brownie hot fudge sundaes with the resulting heavenly mixture for the annual fourth of July post-parade, pre-fireworks extravaganza. He used them one time as the main ingredient in the crust of a chocolate cheesecake--it was darn good too. I guess when you're an addict, you have to come up with new ways to get your fix!

  • Xena
    you have to come up with new ways to get your fix!

    Whereabouts did you say your stash was you lived Sara Annie????

  • Eyebrow2

    I would like to add, if there are any girlscouts on this board in the Plano/Dallas area....I will take 2 boxes of thing mints...and 1 box of macaroons...and damn what is that new cookie that came out a year or two ago???


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