Yesterday, I was on the phone with a friend I met while I was down in Florida. We had a nice long chat about how she doesn't feel as though she wants to be a JW anymore, and I gave her good guidence, and one of the peices of good guidence I gave her was "Do not worry about your reputation, your reputation is held in low esteem by people who are in themselves in low esteem." She then told me about how my reputation was slammed down in Florida. According to the Jw's down there, I'm not "Good association".
Pretty much, in the congregations over there, I'm seen as an antichrist, a devil, a potential liberator person that turned on Jehovah and who's into all the vile things.
Also I've heard that I am/have/done/been to/said/ an STD, a drug abuser, an alcoholic, a sex fiend, made my own religion (That's true, although it's a tounge in cheek thing.) and a Neo-Nazi sympathiser. (Imagine a guy that looks like this going into a Nazi meeting.)
Ahh those poor dubbies... Anyways, what's your story?
When I heard all of those rumors, I