Attended JW funeral today

by usualusername1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername1

    Never Miss a Marketing Opportunity—Even at a Funeral

    Funerals aren’t the first place you’d expect marketing. But Jehovah’s Witnesses know how to turn every moment into an opportunity to share their message.

    During funerals, they weave in their teachings of hope and resurrection, offering comfort and, at the same time, presenting their beliefs to attendees who may not be part of the faith. This kind of strategic thinking shows the power of never missing a chance to convey your values.

    Are you leveraging every possible moment to share your message or expertise?







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  • Phizzy

    Yes those elements are still there in J.W Funerals, the last one I attended was at least mitigated slightly by a few minutes that mentioned the deceased, of course mostly that contained the kind of nonsense where they say " So and So was a faithful servant of Jehovah". Spending minimal time on what the person was really like.

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  • Biahi

    Just curious, usual user name, were the initials of the deceased B.K. By any chance?

  • RandomUserName3500

    last one I went to I timed how long they talked about the deceased. 55 seconds. Less than a minute of the hour long funeral. Name, age, date they passed, how long they were a JW, not much else.

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  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Sunday talk in disguise. So and so wanted me to tell you---what he believed, study, attend meetings, get baptized, so you can see him again

    dismal song from the as approved list, and maybe a potluck somewhere else because halls forbid social events.

    There maybe will be greeting seldom seen acquaintancesfor old times sake

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  • Ron.W.

    Yes JW funerals do not celebrate the life of the deceased, they just promote the jw brand to grieving relatives.

    They view it as a time they can blast the none jw's in attendance with a 'witness' - they are utterly pathetic and insensitive even in times of people's mourning.

    I was in the JW faith for many many decades, but the most sensitive and enjoyable funeral and wedding services I have ever heard were the ones performed in a 'worldly' environment...

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  • Riley

    About 10 years ago in the hall I was attending , there was a car accident in field service that killed two women ( I hate to use the term sisters ). It was in the middle of winter and it was a horribly cold January. No one made it out into service that month till the last week and with the C.O visit coming , everyone had to get in there hours. It was still way to icy and cold to really be out there.

    The C.O gave the funeral talk or sales pitch. I was filled with rage. No only was it not about the person who just passed away, these women died trying to get fill in a time card and impress you. He never said anything like " Hey, don't endanger yourself to get hours in or make it to a meeting ". That was really the worst part.

    I was so mad I just walked out.

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  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I have been to quite a lot of those funerals over the years, dreadful events. However, I did attend a funeral about 10 years ago of a very old sister, a life long witness. I thought it was strange it was not held in the KH but in a large hall in town that is often used for concerts and plays. Two of the sister's relatives gave the talk, a fascinating look at this old lady's long and eventful life. The fact that she was a JW was briefly mentioned near the end. The service concluded with a brief payer then the only music played, Verdi's Nabucco, the Hebrew Slaves Chorus.

    There were quite a few raised eyebrows I can assure you!


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  • DesirousOfChange

    My mother is getting up there in age and I find it quite interesting that she has made it clear she does NOT want a JW infomercial.

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  • Dagney

    I went to one two weeks ago.

    Oy...that song...the JW's couldn't even sing that song. Worse song ever.

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