Wandering which church to try next
by Talkie 15 Replies latest social entertainment
Thank you for your short videos. When I fled from the Jehovah's witnesses, I was in crisis of faith and my own existence. It has got to get pretty bad to chose to leave what you are convinced is the "truth" and turn to outside help. I started by going to mental health therapist because my mind was so scrambled that I was not stable. That little destructive teaching that when you leave the JW you are in the world of Satan. How could anyone chose to leave safety and go into the world? One who has been abused and has no other choice. The darkness when entering back into the "world" is scary and nothing more than what is in your mind. While in council, I was given options for "de programming". Not a good place to be at in the mind. My choices given to my by mental health council was, the body of believers called Evangelical, or Catholic. One being very emotionally damaging by yet another body of brain washing to a bran washed. I chose Catholic even though my JW teaching taught it was the dreaded Beast of Babylon. I was assigned a Jesuit Priest to guide me in my spiritual healing. The vast majority of JW people are very informed and often memorized so well that little gets past them in scripture. That is if they read only what they have retained. Much of the Bible is discounted and based in ancient Hebrew teachings. The Catholic church teaches humanity and unity based in the four gospels. The foundation is JESUS. Yes there are many traditions in the Catholic church that are not in line with Scripture. Yet it was the Catholic church that was able to reach me in my mind and my spirit and for the first time in my life, the ability to reason without brainwashing was established. I am now 63 years old and love God and the Christ more than I ever did as a JW. I am blessed that my beginning of healing, began with the Catholic church, to which I still this day am grateful, but have moved on to worship God and the Son in the workings of the Holy Spirit without doctrines of man to teach me. I have found you do not need a "religion title" to be a believer of Jesus Christ and follow his ways. If you need support in your life and not stand alone, I would say the Catholic Church is a avenue to accomplish that as it does stay in doctrine to the Gospels of Jesus. As for the traditions of the Church, Holy Spirit will lead you to what it wants in your live. Melinda
2 churches I would certainly encourage you to investigate if you were trying to understand your JW past would be. Iglasea ni Christo ( church of Christ )Christadelphine -
I do visit many different "religious" services. I have no issue there when I realize what their "traditions and Doctrines" are. That will never change my base foundation. i can and do often enjoy the company of such people. Even if they are not aware of the "traditions" they hold has little value to their salvation. I tend to lean more on the side of Basic fundamentals of faith than I do arguments of men and or Paul and the other apostles. For me when it comes down to it, We receive the reward of who we follow. Do you know what that reward is of who you follow? For me I hear the Christ say, "follow me". So what have I to do with follow any man religion at all? Why would I need more doctrine other that the Word of Life?
If the HOLY SPIRIT was given for this reason, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14:26
Than what Man or Religion can show me more plainly and perfected?
My last two years with the Witnesses I was actually attending Bible Student meetings. I maet with all the different types of Bible Students and I find one I was comfortable with.
If you are wary of churches and organized religion, I would tell you to try the modern Quaker churches. They are called 'Friends Meetings' now. They aren't like any other organized religion. I'm not a Quaker but my sister became one after she left and I work for one in their daycare.
What is good about them after JW is that they are accepting of people of all faiths. You don't have to be a Christian to be a Quaker, although most are. They are mainly focused on social justice and social activism so you can actually see a group doing good works without try to advertise or convert to their religion. During services they all sit quietly in meditation and only speak if moved to do so. They have business meetings that are open to the public.
What is not so good about them after JW is that it is almost complete anarchy. They have almost no rules. They won't make a decision on anything unless there is unanimous agreement. They have a 'self-serve' and 'share community' that more resembles the selfish taking advantage of the selfless. They are predominantly well-educated and well-off people who do not recognize their own privilege even when they want to.
There are pros and cons to every organized religion out there.
Religion is all man made, but spirituality comes from God. For me you can attend most churches and access Jesus and God. It’s like choosing which way to go yourself with the correct end destination in mind. You can’t do this with JW though as they are the modern day Pharisees who make up extra rules and don’t allow you to have you’re own ideas or thoughts. I remember suggesting the 144,000 wasn’t a literal number as the whole chapter is symbolic, and the looks I got. All of a sudden I am a bad association. You find spiritual freedom and true love for God only when leaving JW ironically.
Why do you need to make the same mistake?
I find Mormans wacky, but they would at least be good to hit up for some decent toilet paper this year. :)
All religions are man made with writings of men / women, that they base their Beliefs ,Traditions , and Doctrines on.
Presumably you are talking about Christianity and if so ,why do you need any organised Church to worship in.?
Why don`t you just stick to what is written in the Bible and follow your own path ?
Just remember the Bible was written by men and basically Jewish men who had their own agenda in mind.
Welcome Talkie , this is a good forum to discuss anything and everything.