McVeigh vs Death Penalty

by Amazing 272 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Fascinating to read all the varius views this subject brought out. I wonder how many feel now since 9-11 attacks. In particular, prior to 9-11, Geraldo Rivera a big anti-gun and anti-death penalty advocate. Yet after he arrived in Afghanistan, he reported carrying a gun, and his comments about Bin laden were that he should be killed rather than captured. It seems that hard reality changed Geraldo's opinion rather rapidly.



    Fascinating to read all the varius views this subject brought out. I wonder how many feel now since 9-11 attacks. In particular, prior to 9-11, Geraldo Rivera a big anti-gun and anti-death penalty advocate. Yet after he arrived in Afghanistan, he reported carrying a gun, and his comments about Bin laden were that he should be killed rather than captured. It seems that hard reality changed Geraldo's opinion rather rapidly.
    Well it'd be pretty hard to capture him. I think the guys dead already, and that OBL sightings are going to end up like Elvis sightings. But I think it would have been better to capture him. It's the same with the Nazis after WWII...they really wanted to capture those guys and put them on trial to show the world their evil. They felt it very important that they be tried. I think it'd be good if OBL got the same: a fair trial for the world to see.

    As for him being put to death. I dont really care. It's not going to bring back all those people, though he probably deserves the worst death imaginable.

    I'm against the death penalty on principal. Once you start making exceptions for one guy it leaves the door open for more exceptions. I dont believe OBL should be put to death...and I dont believe McVeigh should have been either. 3 reasons why I dont think McVeigh should have and that I can't remember seeing here in this thread are: 1)For the benefit of his father, 2) their is a question as to whether he was part of a greater conspiracy, I believe? 3) I just think it might have been better, rather kill the dude and have him think himself as some kinda martyr, for him to spend the rest of his life in jail with the possibility that he eventually might regret what he did and show some remorse for it...maybe? For some victims that might be more of a consolation than his death was? None of these 3 reasons can I see being applied to OBL however...but I still wouldn't put him to death. Though if I was in the combat field I might be tempted to pop him one, rather than take him back alive to HQ...

  • lurk
    We are also a nation of 280 Million people. There are different dynamics associated with
    the USA than say a nation with only 10 million where everyone is one race, almost all the
    same religion, and the life style is not undere so much pressure.

    im told its worked out on the population of each country. obvioulsy the US is larger than many counties. so a ration is taken in to acount when figure are complied comparing them to other countires .

    the US does get a bum press it is no worse or better than most other nations have been or are still are.
    i think the death penalty means differant things to each individual. personaly i could quiet happily kill few ppl (margret thatchers tea party with an old murder would be a nice place to start).but if i had to pull the trigger my self i wouldnt be quiet so brave with my words.

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