Don't believe in a god and if I did I wouldn't like him much.
Do you still believe in God?
by IT Support 79 Replies latest watchtower bible
IT Support
a lot of reading led me to believe in an intelegince behind the ordered universe.
May I ask what you read?
IT Support
Hi Sirona,
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not criticising you, but isn't that in itself rather circular, asking God to direct your path, if you're not convinced he/she/it even exists...?
Actually, I'm just as inconsistent myself, I continue to pray with the family, even in the midst of these doubts...
I knew a "higher being" existed and therefore I set out to find Him (or Her, LOL).
Do you mind me asking what made you so certain?
Thank you,
A tree gives it's shade unconditionally to everyone, even the woodsman who cuts it down. This makes the tree more Christ-like than Jesus who offers salvation only to the few who accept him. I love and help my children unconditionally, even if they hate me. I don't need their acceptance, I am not so petty. So either I and the tree are more Christ-like than Jesus, or the Christian interpretation of God and Divinity is drastically limited and thus wrong. I sense it is far more likely that it is mans ideas of God than are limited and off the mark, rather than the True Source of this wondrous universe.
What makes us believe in the first place that we need religion to find Truth/God?
Quantum Physics seems to imply that the multi-fragmented universe we think we see is not so; rather it is all a very connected WHOLE. Mystics throughout the ages have said the same. Perhaps it's time to listen. Why must the Source of Life be separate from life? Why must God/Truth be separate from your true being? Separation is an idea; a mental concept. When there is no idea or thinking "I am a separate individual", then where do I start or end? What is there then? (Ever look into the eyes of an infant? One too young to have yet been programmed to believe in you are this bundle and I am this other one? Notice how there is not a more beautiful and warm acceptance of you ever, than in those bottomless pools of pure and crystalline consciousness? You know why? because what you are seeing is pure LOVE. You are seeing Consciousness/God, looking upon Itself. There are no distinctions, or walls, or limits, or separation that reduces all to a you-and-me. The eyes of the infant sees Itself. It loves what it sees. This is Christ-consciousness. It is our true nature, still here within, if we but open, allow, and see. Until then, look into the eyes of an infant, and see your true self looking back at you...let it teach you) Looking out your eyes right now is a silent consciousness which holds warmly in it's embrace your entire universe. It, sees the thoughts, the emotions, the drama, the beliefs, the faiths, the story, but yet, it remains unchanged, pure and pristine. (don't take my word for it. Take the time to sit, be still, and know, really, really see) This, is the one reality that we all share. Is it a different consciousness? Or is it the same Consciousness, viewing from different perspectives? This unchanging Consciousness is the closest and most intimate and fundamentally identifiable significance of our Being. Yet, we identify not with It, but with all that is changing, moving and screaming about, rather than what is Awarenessing. (sorry, need to make my own words up here) The Truth, the Reality, the Actuality of our Being is right here, right now, if we but switch attention off the surface level of beliefs, ideas, concepts and interpretations and look deeper into the living and vibrant Self.....I Am. j ( edited three to try and get all the words to be the same size (?)... no words themselves were added or changed.) -
IT Support
It is possible to speak to a deity and have that deity reply. Encountering a Goddess (or God) is an unmistakeable experience.
I guess it would also be pretty convincing!
Again, I'm not being argumentative, but say the Bible is correct, and what if you're experiencing 'demon' contact? How can you tell?
IT Support
Special K,
I'd like to believe in something higher than myself..
Me too, I'd like to, but I'm trying to find out if it's all just wishful thinking...
IT Support
Well, I skimmed through Hans Kung's Does God Exist?, which is pretty much a survey of all the philosophers that Narkissos mentioned. It's a pretty heavy duty read, however; not only is the topic deep, but Kung is a very dry writer.
Sounds like that's one to get out of the library.
You'll also find a lot of stuff on the 'net just searching for keywords like "existence of God" and "atheism" (although you should be sure to keep your BS detector active!).
Absolutely! I've spent a few weeks doing this, and there are many more weeds than wheat!
If you're interested in the argument by design, rather than more abstract arguments, then you may want to read Behe's Darwin's Black Box for the theist viewpoint, and Dawkins' The Blind Watchmaker for the atheist.
I've got (and read!) them both. I found Behe making a more convincing overall argument ('the devil's in the detail), though Dawkins' 'long view' is also very compelling... <sigh>
Appreciate your reply. Thanks.
IT Support
I am still a Christian and encourage you to keep the faith. Christianity is under attack on many levels. I encourage you to speak with men of Faith in your area, and read all viewpoints of the matter....
May I ask what convinced you to 'remain' a Christian? (Is it correct to say JW's are Christian?) Any particular men of faith?
Any suggestions for reading?
IT Support
so then do I believe in a Creator, or do I believe in Creators?
Are you then convinced that evolution has no validity?
IT Support
Hi Stacy,
Don't believe in a god and if I did I wouldn't like him much.
I see what you mean, though I guess it would depend on who or what was your concept of a god, or divinity...