That’s a list of source types, basically in order of least reliable to most reliable, not a methodology. Thought I’d move WT publications to the top of the list and theses above chronological works.
How to debunk the 1914 calculus ONLY using JW publications?
by psyco 208 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The said scholar is big on grammar and he has read the verses grammatically in line with sound exegesis.
I'd kinda like to hear a grammatical argument if such can be framed.
Assuming a preferred understanding is the only grammatically possible understanding is exactly how critics of the NWT get themselves into trouble.
only grammatically possible understanding.
What do you mean by that?
I'd kinda like to hear a grammatical argument if such can be framed.
Assuming a preferred understanding is the only grammatically possible understanding is exactly how critics of the NWT get themselves into trouble.
Another word for gobblydook
scholar JW
Disillusioned JW
Hi scholar. I appreciate that you appreciate the way I made use of Bible commentaries.
Disilluisoned JW
I appreciate that you appreciate the way I made use of Bible commentaries.
Keep it up and you find the Commentary on the Old Testament by Keil and Delitschz most valuable.
scholar JW
Another word for gobblydook
That is what I originally intended to post.
Has anyone here ever hear of Barry Horowitz?
Scholar: The said scholar is big on grammar and he has read the verses grammatically in line with sound exegesis.
>"sound exegesis"
Scholar is big on grammar and big on exegesis but not so big on eisegesis.
scholar JW