Hi .. I remember that other thread you posted.
Sad.. that he is still going to the Kingdom Hall and it didn't go in the direction you wanted.
My suggestion:
Pick up Steven Hassan's latest book "Releasing the Bonds Empowering People to think for Themselves".
On the back of the book and I quote:
" The phenomemon of destructive mind control indoctrination can turn an intelligent, educated person with a strong family background into a stranger.
" In Releasing the Bonds, leading cult expert Steven Hassan describes a groundbreaking new approach....
"In addition to those seeking to rescue a loved one from a cult, it will help those who want to:
1. Recognize the signs of a destructive relationship or group
2. Protect themselves and others from manipulation and abuse
3. Undo the residual effects of past mind control experiences
4. Refute common fallacies about mind control and cults
5. Become active in opposing destructive mind control cults.
If I truly loved my spouse, I would try some of the things in this book.
If all else failed, I am beginning to feel that I would take the GARYBUSS approach. I have my kids to think about as well.
I know that some may feel that GaryBuss comes on a little strong but from what I'm seeing lately he may be absolutely right.
Everyone, of course, has to weigh their own situations in the end.
Special K