special k
by dh 26 Replies latest jw friends
special k
As far as I know, the longest Dutch word:
bootilicious --- Beyonce Knowles
special k
I always like the word.
special k
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of esteeming or describing something as worthless, or making something to be worthless by said means.
District Overbeer
Congregation publisher
I like the word Vasoline. It just sounds cool.
I love Mary Poppins! Especially Arthur Treacher!
His Fish n' Chips stores are all over florida still....
Some ones I regularly use:
nerkle: (n.) A person who leaves their Christmas lights up all year. (in use since 1984)
remoriable: (adj.) Memorable. (in use since 1988)
okskie-dokskie: (interj.) Okie-Dokie. (in use since 1992)