We dont know one way or another if we will have to be judged by God and possibly punished for our "sins" Better safe than sorry? or, just do what makes you happy and worry about it when the times comes?
Do you fear a final judgement?
by fearnotruth22 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dear fearnotruth22, I believe in the afterlife and that we all will participate, not equally, mind you, but definately not to include any form of hellish lake of fire. Judgement IMHO is more of being rewarded for developing our spiritual capacity, ie to the degree to which we develop the greater will our capacity be in the next life. Almost like the "karma" concept taught by Buddhism. In other words, we get what we've earned.
Why should a victim of the crime of being born a sinner have to work?
Do you fear a final judgement?
Not. One. Bit.
You also say:
just do what makes you happy and worry about it when the times comes?
to me, that implies that people will only choose to do bad, selfish things. And I disagree with that.
I too believe in an afterlife, and I believe that we will experience the receiving end of all the things we did to others while alive. Good and bad. Kind and cruel.
Dark: All people are kind by nature, Desperate people do desperate things. Then again just like in the animal creation some animals are friendly others are mean and agreesive. Could God really be just if he judged people by their actions? Can you really blame people for reacting the way they do. People steal kill harm and indulge in taboos to SURVIVE and to quench their desires. Ever watct the good the bad and the ugly. Tuco did what he had to do to survive his brother Pablo took the easy way by bemimg a priest. Kindness and cruelty you contrast?
That is one of my favorite movies. My favorite is Fight Club. I like both movies, not because of the violence, but because of how the characters interact, think, and feel. I am intruiged by their assumptions and motivations.
When it somes to inteligent debate, I am usually sloppy and lazy. I am not very effective at communicating my true nature, motives,intentions or feelings. I usually get frustrated and give up or do ahalf assed job. FWIW, I think you're interesting. Later.
this is only so if we reduce the Source of the universe down into killing entity. There is no greater evil than killing, yet we often unquestionably accept a god, a creator, that is a killer. Strange how we create our "Most High" in the image of the most low. This is insane, and it does not have to be this way. There is deeper wisdom, true and pure, that is not owned by religions. j
Dark, I enjoy liestenning to your views. I look foward to see what you thinking is on things.
James The Bible reveals a killer God, Humanity gets information about God from the Bible. What other wsource of widom are you suggesting. Until now humanity dies and suffers as it waits for the God you seem to describe
I feel like I have lived a decent life. Treated people as I would want them to treat me and ignored all the garbage in the bible. If there is a God who judges us I know now it is not Jehovah or any God so blood thirsty and greedy for worship.