NEWS: Bride of Christ Files for Annulment

by slipnslidemaster 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    I heard that it was a matter of lack of performance


  • LittleToe

    Laugh all you like, but to some it is still offensive.
    Regardless of your own beliefs, that alone should surely give pause for thought...

    LT, who prefers a kilt, to shorts...

  • Carmel

    God loves laughter! ? Who's the joke on?

    carmel; of the "not up-tight twit" class

  • Valis
    Laugh all you like, but to some it is still offensive.

    maybe so little toe...I suppose we should throw Monty Python out the window as well..."Always look...on the bright side of life.."

    edited to add, dam slippy, you finally posted something funny...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • LittleToe

    Let me break it down for you :

    Laugh all you like

    Feel free. Have a good laugh. It's everyone's perogative, especially after a hard day.

    but to some it is still offensive.

    Yet, please take account of the fact that some find it offensive, and don't deserve to be berated for theor viewpoint.
    Navigator didn't deserve the comments regarding his opinion, IMHO.

    ~bows out, gracefully~

  • Valis

    LT, sure Navigator didn't deserve to be berated, but if one is to express their displeasure do they expect to do so without a response of any kind? He could have not posted in this thread at all. But he did so and although he found it offensive many didn't. Where is the middle ground? Perhaps we can agree to disagree about religion at the same time recognize satire and humor for what it is. The sane approach IMO. One doesn't find the Christians jumping in on the crazies who espouse their theories, even when they horribly twist what one might call the "spirit of the message". Where is the indignant post? I doesn't happen very often because as long as someone uses the word Jesus and love in Christ at the end of their post they haven't fear from people who really think their god is a one of love. Instead choose to get irritated when someone makes quite a good joke using terms we've all had to put up w/a good portion of our lives. I also think you get my point about Monty Python, but we can agrrrrrree to disagrrrrrrree about that too..Much love frrrrrrom the Texas Brrrrrranch.


    Disttrrrrrict Overrrrrrberrrrr

  • slipnslidemaster
    Slip, have you ever written for "The Onion" ?

    Why does everyone keep asking me that?

    Navigator is entitled to his opinion. I'm sorry I offended you. Personally, I love Jesus he is a great cook.

    I think I missed meeting you in Dallas? Was he there in Dallas LT/Valis? or am I thinking Florida? Who is Jade related too? Navigator are you related to Roo at all?

    I know I'm all confused but that's why you ask questions.

  • Valis

    Yes I'm quite sure Nav was at Dunston's unless my mind has gone entirely..

    *LOL* Roo, Mega, & Jade all are the spawn of Navigator...he's got golden DNA or sumpin...BTW Nav, my statements were not to offend and if they do I apologize in advance.


    District Overbeer

  • slipnslidemaster

    I didn't meet Jade, but Mega and Roo are VERY cool people and I like them VERY much.

    Good stock.

  • Valis

    Yes...Navigator even offered me a fair price for Jade and Roo, but they wouldn't go for it...Jade's better half was almost amenable after a couple beers, but alas I'm too late. Roo is off somewhere in the frozen tundra and Jade refuses to answer my court summons...written up by Megadude no less...


    District Overbeer of the "Jilted" class

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