Did anyone have other jws try to guilt trip them when they were leaving or if you were making a decision which jws felt was wrong but wasn't unscriptural? I'm getting people guilt tripping me to eventually get back with my emotionally, spiritually and mentally abusive husband who I'm separated from. I feel sick at the thought of getting back together and putting myself through that nightmare again but I'm being told its what Jehovah wants coz he doesn't want families to be apart. I can't imagine that a loving God would want that if someone was so unhappy that they felt life was unbearable
Guilt trip
by Jrjw 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Half banana
Never feel guilty about acting according to your own conscience. The JW org has no right to dictate your moral sense and indeed it does take quite a while to shake off the old JW imperatives but what a relief when you do.
People are guilt tripping you not for your good but to to protect the organisation, an organisation which does nor deserve protection but public exposure!
Your life must be difficult at the moment but given time I'm sure you will sort yourself out... you can look forward to achieving that.
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I'm being told its what Jehovah wants coz he doesn't want families to be apart
Then ask them why he (allegedly) approves of shunning.
Yes they guilt and shame as a weapon. All cults do. It's a sign that they're a cult.
I've had:
"What would your (deceased) father say?"
"Imagine your dad in paradise asking where you are"
"You're going to die in armageddon"
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neat blue dog
Guilt trips are par for the course, that's one of the biggest parts of being JW and how they keep control. Some of my earliest childhood memories are feelings of dread based on guilt, and even as an adult I experienced a couple dreams relating to this.
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stan livedeath
Better if you simply stopped associating with them. Then they can't get to you. Change your phone number. Don't answer the door to them.
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